Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications
... Nuno Alexandre Peixoto Silva


Nuno Silva

Academic position: Researcher
Joining date: 01-04-2007
Roles in IT: Researcher
Thematic Line: Optics and Photonics
Group: Optical Quantum Communications – Av

Email: Send Email
Address: IT – Aveiro
Instituto de Telecomunicações
Campus Universitário de Santiago
Tel: +351 234 377 900
Fax: +351 234 377 901

Scientific Achievements

  • PhD, Universidade de Aveiro, 01-01-2013
  • MSc, Universidade de Aveiro, 01-01-2008
  • Licenciatura, Universidade do Minho,
  • University of Aveiro, 01-01-2014,
  • Quantum cryptography in optical fibers
  • Quantum effects in optical fibers
  • Nonlinear and polarization effects in nonlinear materials
  • Secure muliparty computation
  • Quantum random number generation
  • Quantum optical detection
As Supervisor
As Co-supervisor
As Supervisor

Currently running projects5

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
DISCRETION Disruptive SDN secure communications for European Defence EU 01-12-2021 31-05-2025
PTQCI Portuguese Quantum Communications Infrastructure - PTQCI EU 01-01-2023 30-06-2025
QSCAN Quantum-Enabled Secure Multiparty Computation for Space Surveillance Tracking NATO 01-03-2024 28-02-2027
QSNP Quantum Secure Networks Partnership EU 01-03-2023 31-08-2026
QuantaGenomics Quantum Enabled Secure Multiparty Computation for Genomic Medicine EU / FCT / Programme ERA-NET Cofund QuantERA II 01-05-2022 30-04-2025

Closed Projects15

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Ending date
COHERENTINUOUS Coherent detection and advanced digital signal processing techniques for broadband and quantum secure optical communication systems FCT, IT/LA 01-01-2018 01-12-2023
CV-Quantum Improving Security and Capacity Using Continuous Variables Quantum Communications IT/LA 01-02-2014 01-06-2016
DSPMetroNet DSP Functions for Simplified Coherent Transceivers in Optical Metropolitan Networks FCT/POCI 01-07-2018 31-12-2021
NG-COS Next-Generation Coherent Optical Communication Systems IT/LA 01-09-2011 01-08-2013
OSP-HNLF OSP-HNLF - Optical Signal Processing Using Highly Nonlinear Fibers FCT/PTDC 01-05-2010 01-04-2013
P-Quantum Practical Quantum Communications IT/LA 01-09-2011 01-08-2013
Q.DOT SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 039728 - Distributed Quantum Oblivious Transfer P2020 01-10-2019 30-06-2022
QSCRIPTED Quantum Secure Communication Field Experiment Gabinete Nacional de Segurança 10-05-2021 09-07-2021
QuantPrivNet Quantum-Enabled Security and Privacy in Future Optical Communication Networks FCT 01-01-2019 31-12-2024
QuantumMining Quantum Primitives for Privacy Preserving Data Mining FCT 01-09-2018 28-02-2022
QuantumPrime Generation of Prime Numbers Enabled by Quantum Technologies for Cryptographic Applications FCT 01-02-2021 31-01-2024
QuGENOME Quantum Enabled Private Recognition of Composite Signals in Genome EU 01-12-2020 31-03-2022
QuRunner Development of a quantum random number generator network server IT 01-02-2020 31-07-2022
SoftTransceiver Software Defined Transceiver for Flexible Optical Networks IT 01-04-2016 01-12-2018
  • M. Almeida, A. N. Pinto, N. A. Silva, Best Communication Award, Best communication award with the work entitled "Optimization of CV-QKD Systems for Field Deployment" exploring the topic of PhD thesis, received in the Research Summit 2024, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2024, 01-07-2024
  • M. Almeida, A. N. Pinto, N. A. Silva, Best Communication Award, Best communication in Engineering award with the work entitled "Optimization of CV-QKD Systems for Field Deployment" exploring the topic of PhD thesis, received in the Research Summit 2024, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2024, 01-07-2024
  • M. Almeida, A. N. Pinto, N. A. Silva, Best Paper Award, Best paper award for the paper entitled "Modulation variance optimization in discrete modulated CV-QKD systems", presented at Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defense conference, part of SPIE Sensors + Imaging 2023 (Security + Defense), held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 2023, 01-09-2023
  • M. Almeida, D. Pereira, N. J. Muga, M. Facão, A. N. Pinto, N. A. Silva, Best paper in Workshop, Best paper in the II Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica with the paper entitled "CV-QKD Security Limits Using Higher-Order Probabilistic Shaped Regular M-APSK Constellations", received in the II Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica (WQuantum) from XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 23 May, Uberlândia, Brazil, 2022, 01-05-2022
  • M. J. Ferreira, D. Pereira, N. J. Muga, N. A. Silva, A. N. Pinto, Best paper in Workshop, Best paper in the Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica – Time-interleaved quantum random number generation within a coherent classical communication channel, received in the 1st Communication and Quantum Computing Workshop (WQuantum), 16 August, Uberlândia, Brazil, 01-08-2021
  • S. T. Mantey, M. F. Ramos, N. A. Silva, N. J. Muga, A. N. Pinto, Best Paper Award, Best Paper Award For the paper entitled Algorithm for State-Of-Polarization Generation in Polarization-Encoding Quantum Key Distribution, presented at the 2021 Telecoms Conference (ConfTELE), the 12th conference on telecommunications, held in Leiria Portugal, 11-12 February 2021., 01-02-2021
  • M. F. Ramos, N. A. Silva, A. N. Pinto, Best PhD oral communication, "Fast and Secure Multiparty Computation Enabled by Quantum Communication Technologies" presented at Research Summit 2019, held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, July 3-5 2019. The award has been attributed for the scientific quality and organization of the work., 01-07-2019
  • D. Pereira, M. Facão, N. A. Silva, A. N. Pinto, Best PhD oral communication, Best PhD oral communication for the Symposium on Engineering Physics: Daniel Pereira – Quantum Key Distribution with Continuous Variables, received in the 2nd Doctoral Congress in Engineering, 8-9 June, Porto, Portugal, 01-06-2017
  • N. A. Silva, A. N. Pinto, Best Student Paper Award, for the paper entitled ''Photon-Pair Generation in Chalcogenide Glass - Role of Waveguide Linear Absorption'' presented at the International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS), held in Lisbon - Portugal, 01-01-2014
  • A. Almeida, N. J. Muga, N. A. Silva, P.S André, A. N. Pinto, SEONS Best Student Paper, Best Student Paper on Optical Communication in the X SEONS, in Porto, 01-06-2012
  • SBRC Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica WQuantum, Organizing Committee, 2022
  • SBRC Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica WQuantum, Organizing Committee, 2021
  • Editorial Board, Frontiers in Physics, 01-09-2023 - 31-08-2025
  • Editorial Board, Frontiers in Communication, 24-02-2023 - 24-02-2025
  • Editorial Board, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12-01-2021 - 11-01-2026
  • Area Editor, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12-01-2021 - 11-01-2026