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Time Coincidence of Entangled Photon Pairs Using Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing in a Fiber Loop

Almeida, A. ; Carneiro, S. R. ; Silva, N. A. ; Muga, N. J. ; Pinto, A. N.

Time Coincidence of Entangled Photon Pairs Using Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing in a Fiber Loop, Proc Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks - SEON, Porto, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 2, June, 2010.

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We obtained a source of entangled photon pairs
in the 1550-nm wavelength band using spontaneous four-wave
mixing (SpFWM) in a Sagnac fiber loop. Time coincidence of
entangled photon pairs was verified for a 300-m dispersionshifted
fiber (DSF), using an avalanche photodiode (APD).