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Generation and Distribution of Quantum Oblivious Keys for Secure Multiparty Computation

Lemus, M. ; Ramos, M. F. ; Yadav, P. ; Silva, N. A. ; Muga, N. J. ; Souto, A. ; Paunkovic, N. ; Mateus, P. ; Pinto, A. N.

Applied Sciences (Switzerland) Vol. 10, Nº 12, pp. 4080 - 4080, June, 2020.

ISSN (print):
ISSN (online): 2076-3417

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,44 (in 2020)

Digital Object Identifier: 10.3390/app10124080

The oblivious transfer primitive is sufficient to implement secure multiparty computation. However, secure multiparty computation based only on classical cryptography is severely limited by the security and efficiency of the oblivious transfer implementation. We present a method to efficiently and securely generate and distribute oblivious keys by exchanging qubits and by performing commitments using classical hash functions. With the presented hybrid approach, quantum and classical, we obtain a practical and high-speed oblivious transfer protocol, secure even against quantum computer attacks. The oblivious distributed keys allow implementing a fast and secure oblivious transfer protocol, which can pave the way for the widespread of applications based on secure multiparty computation.