CV-QKD Security Limits Using Higher-Order Probabilistic Shaped Regular M-APSK Constellations
Almeida, M.
Pereira, D.
Muga, N. J.
; Facão, M.
Pinto, A. N.
Silva, N. A.
CV-QKD Security Limits Using Higher-Order Probabilistic Shaped Regular M-APSK Constellations, Proc SBRC Workshop de Comunicação e Computação Quântica WQuantum, Fortaleza, Brazil, Vol. , pp. - , May, 2022.
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In this work we study the performance of M-symbol (M-)Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying (APSK) constellations for Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution systems. Despite the gap still observed between the performance of higher order regular M-APSK constellations with binomial distribution
for probabilistic shaping and the optimal performance of Gaussian Modulation, regular 128-APSK’s performance is better than irregular 256-APSK’s and almost the same as for regular 256-APSK. Moreover, higher-order regular M-APSK is secure for longer distances and higher values of mean number of photons per symbol, and is more resistant to excess noise.