Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Fully Patterned all Plastic Integrated Circuits

Acronym: PLASTIC
Main Objective:
Demonstration of the possibility of fully pattern all components of all polymeric integrated circuits, namely source, drain and gate contacts, dielectric and polymer channel of individual transistors. At the end of the project a fully patterned inverter, on a flexible substrate, will be delivered as a demonstrator.
Reference: IT/LA/297/2005
Funding: IT/LA
Start Date: 01-07-2005
End Date: 01-09-2007
Team: Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado, Luís Joaquim Alcácer, Rui Teives Henriques, Manuel Jose de Matos, Ana Maria de Matos Charas, Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta, Jorge Manuel Correia Guilherme
Groups: Organic Electronics – Lx, Integrated Circuits - Lx
Local Coordinator: Jorge Manuel Ferreira Morgado
Links: Internal Page

Associated Publications