Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

IT in Open Day of Técnico 2022

by IT on 23-05-2022
Award Best Thesis Miguel Barreto Information Technology 5G Networks

IT joins the celebration of the anniversary of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) next 23 May 2022.

IST celebrates its 111th anniversary with Open Day with experiences, visits to laboratories and museums, concerts, films, and talks.

The IT will offer two Open Labs, from 5 pm to 10 pm:

1 - “Quantum Technologies Lab”, organized by the group “Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies”, from Lisbon, together with the Department of Mathematics at IST;

2 – “Antennas and Propagation Lab”, organized by the “Antennas and Propagation” group, from Lisbon, jointly with the DEEC – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at IST;

In the context of the Science Fair, the group “Pattern and Image Analysis”, from Lisbon, presents a demonstration of work in the field of biomedical instrumentation, in conjunction with the DBE – Department of Bioengineering at IST.

The general event is open to the public and admission is free.

General program:

14:30 – 15:30 | Science lecture “Explain to me as if I were 5 years old - How does a robot work?", with Professor Isabel Ribeiro (Salão Nobre);

14:30 – 16:30 | Science Fair – 1st Cycle Classes (Outdoor Tent);

17:00 – 22:00 | Science Fair – General Public (Outdoor Tent);

17:00 – 20:00 | Visits to Laboratories and Museums (Departments);

20:00 - 20:40 | "Congratulations Tech!" (Front of the Central Pavilion);

20:45 - 21:45 | Film "PaleoMoz Project: Mozambique, a story to discover". Talk with paleontologist Ricardo Araújo

21:30 – 22:30 | Concert for piano and orchestra, Robert Shumann. Quatro Estações Portenhas, Astro Piazzola - Opera Orchestra in the Academy and in the City, with “Tuna Universitária” from Instituto Superior Técnico (Salão Nobre)


Photo credits: Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)

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