Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

SpaceSheep: Satellite-aided E-shepherd system

Rainho, R. ; Corujo, D. ; Gonçalves, P.

SpaceSheep: Satellite-aided E-shepherd system, Proc International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food & Environment - HAICTA, Athens, Greece, Vol. , pp. - , September, 2022.

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The use of electronic means to help with tasks such as pastoralism is a way of intelligently optimizing the activity. As any autonomous system, it requires human intervention in case of failure, and therefore it needs an autonomous mechanism that draws the attention of the human operator whenever the system or the animals evolve to undesired conditions. The present work progresses an existing alarm system, used in the SheepIT gateway, which can monitor the behavior of animals and equipment, warning human supervisors of the occurrence of unwanted events and the need for intervention. Concretely, given the lack of coverage of Internet access in rural areas, the system was integrated with a satellite interface to guarantee communication and the timely delivery of alarm messages. The paper compares the overall networking performance of the satellite link, against a Wi-Fi laboratorial baseline.