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Enabling Low Cost THz Radiating Source Leveraging Si Photonics, IC Packaging Substrate & 3D Printing Technologies

Lacombe, E. ; Gianesello, F. ; Luxey, C. ; Durand, C. ; Gloria, D. ; Bisognin, A. ; Titz, D. ; Costa, J.R. ; Fernandes, C. A.

Enabling Low Cost THz Radiating Source Leveraging Si Photonics, IC Packaging Substrate & 3D Printing Technologies, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Paris, France, Vol. , pp. 1 - 4, March, 2017.

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Silicon technologies enable today the development of cost effective millimeter-wave applications (60 GHz wireless link for example). In order to achieve higher data rates (> 10 Gb/s), we can now consider the sub-THz frequencies in order to take advantage of wider frequency bands. In this context, the development of low cost and highly integrated Si-based sub-THz wireless chipset is a hot topic; industrial Si Photonic PIN Photo-Diode can be used as sub-THz source. But a key challenge is the design of antennas and packages able to support ultra-broad band sub-THz transmission in a cost effective manner. We propose here the design of a 200-280 GHz antenna integrated in an organic substrate packaging technology. Simulated performances exhibit a gain of >8 dBi over a 33% bandwidth. A 3D printed plastic lens is then added to the system in order to increase the achievable gain up to 20 dBi.