Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Project: Compensation of Long Term Memory Effects in Power Amplifier Intermodulation Distortion

Acronym: CoLTeMEPAI
Main Objective:
The main objective of this project is to propose newly design techniques for PA in order to transform a dynamic PA in a memoryless one, mainly by eliminating thermal and/or trapping low frequency behaviour’s.
This main goal will be divided into different objectives; first the correct understanding of the thermal and trapping effects on nonlinear intermodulation distortion will be studied.
Then with this knowledge some design techniques, based either on PA intrinsic solutions, or on external compensation schemes will be proposed.
Finally with these studies in mind, we hope to build a PA without memory effects.

Reference: POSC/EEA-ESE/55739/2004
Funding: FCT/POSC
Start Date: 01-03-2005
End Date: 28-02-2008
Team: Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho, José Carlos Esteves Duarte Pedro, João Paulo Martins
Groups: Radio Systems – Av
Local Coordinator: Nuno Miguel Gonçalves Borges de Carvalho
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