Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Participation in Projects

Running Projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
6G-PATH 6G-PATH: 6G Pilots and TriAls THrough Europe EU/Horizon Europe 01-01-2024 3 year(s)
6G-VERSUS Experimentation of 6G Towards Promoting Sustainable Technology in Industry EU/Horizon Europe 01-01-2025 3 year(s)
CCC-Centro Centro de Competências em Cibersegurança: Centro Next generation EU - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR) - Componente 19 – Transição Digital da Administração Pública– Capacitação, Digitalização, Interoperabilidade e Cibersegurança 01-07-2024 2 year(s)
EXIGENCE Devise & explore a novel approach for energy consumption and carbon footprint reduction of ICT services in the era of next-generation mobile telecommunications (6G) Horizon Europe 01-01-2024 3 year(s)
GAIME Gamification of Agrotourism Industry to Maximize Efficiency Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pescas, I.P. 01-01-2023 3 year(s)
MagLandPoC MagLand PoC MovingPositions GmbH 01-10-2022 3 year(s)
MH-SDVanet Multihomed Software Defined Vehicular Networks FCT 01-03-2021 4 year(s)
Myriarch Framework for a Multi-Architecture Internet FCT 01-03-2023 3 year(s)
NGM A NextGen Mobility: Next generation of connected mobility and infrastructures IAPMEI 01-12-2022 3 year(s)
RIGOUROUS Secure Design and Deployment of Trustworthy Continuum Computing 6G Services EU 01-01-2023 4 year(s)
Route25 Route 25: Agenda for Autonomous, Intelligent, Interoperable and Inclusive Mobility IAPMEI 01-10-2022 3 year(s)
SNS-OPS SNS-OPS – SUPPORTING THE SNS JU OPERATIONS EU/Horizon Europe 01-01-2023 3 year(s)

Closed projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
IPSphere Model Deutsche Telekom 01-03-2008 1 year(s)
Distribuição Context Aware de Conteúdos em Redes Sociais PT Inovação 01-05-2010 1 year(s)
Apollo PT Inovação 01-04-2011 2 year(s)
3D VIVANT Live Immerse Video-Audio Interactive Multimedia EU/FP7 01-03-2010 4 year(s)
3D-ConTourNet 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks EC/FP7 01-05-2012 5 year(s)
3D-SERVICIS Scalable Error Resilient 3D Holoscopic Video Coding for Immersive Systems FCT 01-06-2014 2 year(s)
3DVAP 3D video adaptation based on perceptual metrics FCT/PTDC 01-03-2011 4 year(s)
3DVQM 3D Video Quality Monitor IT/LA 01-11-2011 4 year(s)
4WARD 4WARD EU/FP7 01-01-2008 3 year(s)
5G SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 024539 - Componentes e serviços para redes 5G P2020 01-01-2018 4 year(s)
5GAINer 5GAINER - 5G+AI Networks Reliability Center Huawei Technologies Portugal 06-10-2020 4 year(s)
5GASP 5GASP EU/H2020 01-01-2021 3 year(s)
5GCONTACT CONText-Aware Communications opTimization FCT 04-10-2018 3 year(s)
5GinFire Evolving FIRE into a 5G-Oriented Experimental Playground for Vertical industries EU/H2020 01-01-2017 3 year(s)
5G-MOBIX 5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors EU/H2020 16-10-2018 6 year(s)
5G-PERFECTA SI I&DT Copromoção - Projeto de I&D à Escala Europeia Nr. 038190 - 5G-PERFECTA - 5G e próxima geração Desempenho móvel garantia de testes de conformidade P2020 01-11-2018 3 year(s)
5Growth 5G-enabled Growth in Vertical Industries EU/H2020 01-06-2019 3 year(s)
AAPELE COST IC1303 AAPELE - Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments EU/COST, EU/H2020 01-11-2013 5 year(s)
ACCOPI Access control and copyright protection for images EU/RACE 01-01-1995 1 year(s)
ACode180Video Real-Time Acquisition and Coding of Panoramic 180-Degree Video IT/LA 01-04-2017 2 year(s)
AcuRec Acoustic Modelling for Speech Recognition IT/LA 01-09-2005 3 year(s)
ADIAR Alzheimer Disease: Image Analysis and Recognition FCT/PTDC 01-02-2011 4 year(s)
Affective Mouse Affective Mouse QREN 01-10-2008 4 year(s)
Agora-5G AGora-5G (confidential) 01-05-2018 2 year(s)
AIPIP Advances in Image Processing and Inverse Problems: Applications in Medical and Earth Observation Imagery, and Biomathematics FCT/PTDC 01-07-2013 2 year(s)
Akogrimo Access to Knowledge through the Grid in a mobile World EU/FP6 01-07-2004 4 year(s)
Apollo Apollo QREN 01-10-2011 3 year(s)
AQSAI Quality of Service Evaluation in the Internet Broadband Access: ADSL, Cable and 3G Mobile Networks (Avaliação da qualidade de Serviço de Acesso à Internet de Banda Larga: ADSL, Cabo e Rede Móvel 3G) ANACOM 01-10-2006 1 year(s)
ARGUS Activity Recognition and Object Tracking Based on Multiple Models FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 3 year(s)
AtlantisBPnet AtlantisBPnet - Observatory of Information Society in the Atlantique Space INTERREG III-B 01-01-2005 3 year(s)
AVATAR 3D Face Animation QREN 01-10-2009 2 year(s)
AVEIRO STEAM City AVEIRO STEAM City EU/H2020 01-11-2018 4 year(s)
BIODI BIODI: Biometria e Deteção de Incidentes FEDER/QREN 01-06-2018 3 year(s)
BIONSE Biometrics with Enhanced Security using Distributed Source Coding IT/LA 01-01-2009 2 year(s)
BioSec Secure Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Distributed Source Coding FCT/PTDC 01-03-2010 3 year(s)
BLEP Biomechanics of Locomotion in Elderly People FCT/PTDC 01-01-2008 3 year(s)
BodySens Internet-friendly Body Sensor Network IT/LA 01-06-2009 2 year(s)
Bots PTDC/EEA-TEL/101880/2008 - Design and Implementation of a BotNet Detection System FCT/PTDC 01-03-2010 3 year(s)
Bridge BRIDGE - Análise de informação multimedia para descoberta de cancro em ambientes de gastrenterologia FCT/ CMU 01-01-2015 1 year(s)
BST Bluetooth Sensing Technology IT/LA 01-05-2011 3 year(s)
CaaS CaaS ABBAN, S.A. 01-01-2010 2 year(s)
CAC-EPC Controlo de Admissão e Reserva de Recursos em Ambientes 4G EPC/LTE PT Inovação 01-05-2012 1 year(s)
CAC-PCRF CAC-EPC: Controlo de Admissão e Reserva de Recursos em Ambientes 4G EPC/LTE PT Inovação 01-05-2012 1 year(s)
CAGE Computer Assisted Gastroenterology Examination FCT/PTDC 01-02-2011 3 year(s)
CALLAS CALLAS - Calculi and Languages for Sensor Networks FCT/PTDC 01-03-2008 4 year(s)
CAMYM Context-Aware Mobility in Wireless Mesh networks EU/FP7 01-09-2008 1 year(s)
CancerSys Multiscale modeling for personalized therapy of bone metastasis FCT 01-04-2014 2 year(s)
CAPES Video coding with MMP FCT/CAPES 01-04-2009 4 year(s)
CASSIOPEIA Contextually-Appropriate Selective Sharing IoT Open-standard Permissioning Architectures EU/H2020 01-11-2020 1 year(s)
C-CAST Context Casting EU/FP7 01-02-2008 3 year(s)
CellNote Touch CellNote Touch - Touch-based Interactive Annotation of Cellular Images IT/LA 01-05-2011 3 year(s)
CityCatalyst SI I&DT Empresarial (Programas Mobilizadores) Nr. 046119 - Catalisador para cidades sustentáveis P2020 01-07-2020 3 year(s)
CityIoTC City IoT in the Cloud PT Inovação 01-10-2017 1 year(s)
CityIoTC II CityIoTC – City IoT in the Cloud- II PT Inovação 01-12-2018 1 year(s)
C-Mobile Advanced MBMS for the future mobile world EU/FP6 01-01-2006 3 year(s)
Codage Codificação conjunta fonte/canal para comunicações multimédia ubíquas. FCT, CNRS 01-01-2005 4 year(s)
CodeStream CodeStream - Codificação em Rede para Distribuição de Conteúdos em Tempo Real FCT 01-05-2013 2 year(s)
COHERENT Coding and Communications over Heterogeneous Technologies IT/LA 01-07-2011 3 year(s)
ComFormCrypt ComFormCrypt - Computational Semantics of Formal Methods in Cryptography FCT/PTDC 01-02-2011 4 year(s)
COMSOLVE Project: SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 047019 - COMSOLVE .: COMunidade de energia SOLar com integração de Veículos Elétricos P2020 15-06-2021 3 year(s)
COMUVI COMUVI - Compressao de Vïdeo Multi-Vista FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 3 year(s)
CONDENSA IPv4/IPv6-Compliant Optical Burst Switching Network Design with Enhanced Signaling Architectures FCT/POSC 01-01-2005 3 year(s)
Confident Confident - Communication Contracts for Distributed Systems Development FCT 01-05-2016 3 year(s)
CooDriver CooDriver 01-05-2016 1 year(s)
CooDriver CooDriver (confidential) 01-05-2017 1 year(s)
CORATAM Control of Aquatic Drones for Maritime Tasks FCT 01-04-2014 2 year(s)
COST 2101 Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smart Cards EU/COST 01-12-2009 2 year(s)
COST 211 COST 211 quad EU/COST 01-01-1996 9 year(s)
COST 279 Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks supporting Mobility, Multimedia and Internetworking EU/COST 01-07-2001 4 year(s)
COST 292 Semantic Multimodal Analysis of Digital Media EU/COST 27-10-2004 5 year(s)
COST IC 1106 Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age EU/COST 01-03-2012 5 year(s)
CrakIT-LF CrakIT-LF: Automatic detection and characterization of road distresses in images of flexible road pavements IT/LA 01-04-2016 3 year(s)
CRUISE Plataforma de Comunicação Veículo-Infraestrutura para Integração de Impactes de Tráfego FCT/POCI 01-06-2016 3 year(s)
CRYPTOnITe CRYPTOnITe: Testing the limits of parallel computer architectures under attacks against lattice-based cryptoschemes FCT 01-04-2017 1 year(s)
CSB Cloud Service Broker PT Inovação 01-01-2012 2 year(s)
CSF Towards Super Multiview Video: Light Fields Coding CAPES/CNPq 01-01-2015 3 year(s)
CSI^2 Cryptographic Security of Individual Instances FCT/PTDC 01-02-2010 4 year(s)
CSV Codificação de sinais vídeo JNICT 01-01-1990 3 year(s)
CYBERAL CYBERAL - Broadband in Rural Zones INTERREG III-B 01-01-2002 4 year(s)
Daidalos Designing Advanced Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent Optimised personal Services EU 01-11-2003 3 year(s)
Daidalos II Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimised personal Services - II EU 01-01-2006 3 year(s)
DARTEG Deteção de Ataques de Redirecionamento de Tráfego a uma Escala Global FCT/PTDC 01-05-2016 3 year(s)
DECA-Bio Dependent Component Analysis of Biological Signals IT/LA 01-06-2011 2 year(s)
DeLKeTI Development and Learning of Kernels for Text and Images FCT/PTDC 01-11-2007 4 year(s)
DermoPleno Dermo­Plenoptic imaging for skin lesion assessment IT/LA 01-04-2016 3 year(s)
DETAINER Núcleo de I&D em Copromoção Nr. 037204 - DETAINER: Deterministic Capture of Communication Channels – Technology Research & Development P2020 01-10-2018 4 year(s)
DEVNF DEVNF - Um ecossistema para funções virtualizadas de rede FCT/CAPES 01-03-2015 3 year(s)
DEWICOS Design of Next Generation Very High Data Rate Wireless Communications Systems FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 3 year(s)
DiaPreReApp DM1 Predict and Reason about Hypoglycaemia in an App FCT 15-06-2020 1 year(s)
DICEMAN Distributed Internet content exchange with MPEG-7 and agent negotiations EU/ACTS 01-05-1998 2 year(s)
DigiScope DigiScope - DIGItally enhanced stethosCOPE for clinical usage FCT/PTDC 01-02-2010 2 year(s)
DigiScope2 Digitally Enhanced Stethoscope for Clinical Usage FCT/POCI 01-07-2018 3 year(s)
DIMIP DIMIP (DIMensionamento de redes de acesso IPng) PT Inovação 01-04-2000 1 year(s)
DISCOVER Distributed coding for video services EU/FP6 01-09-2005 2 year(s)
DISMe Desenvolvimento Integrado de Soluções Multimédia PT Inovação 01-01-2003 1 year(s)
DIVINA DIVINA: Detecting Injection Vulnerabilities In Node.js Applications FCT/ CMU 26-03-2022 1 year(s)
DMeSTrES Distributed Measurement System with Traffic Engineering Support IT/LA 01-06-2005 2 year(s)
DRIVE-IN DRIVE-IN - Distributed Routing and Infotainment through VEhicular Inter-Networking FCT/CMU 01-01-2009 4 year(s)
DRIVE-IN Distributed Routing and Infotainment through VEhicular Inter-Networking FCT/CMU 01-06-2009 4 year(s)
DVB-Probe DVB-Probe - Sistema de monitorização portá¡til para DVB-T e DVB-S2 PT Inovação 01-03-2009 1 year(s)
DYNAMO DYNAMO-Dynamic Communication Networks: Foundations and Algorithms EU/COST 01-05-2005 4 year(s)
EcoSense Wireless Sensor Mesh Networks for Pervasive Environmental Monitoring IT/LA 01-06-2010 1 year(s)
E-M2M Mobile M2M Gateway 01-04-2013 2 year(s)
E-M2M 2 Battery Efficient Mobile M2M GW (confidential) 01-09-2014 2 year(s)
EMM Emergency Mobile Mesh (EMM) QREN 01-01-2013 1 year(s)
EMUSuL Ensemble Methods in Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning FCT/POSC 01-01-2005 3 year(s)
EntMeso Entanglement and Transport Properties in Mesoscopic Systems FCT/GRICES, CNRS 01-01-2007 2 year(s)
EPIC EPIC - Efficient Pattern-matching Image Compression on many-core systems FCT/PTDC 01-01-2012 3 year(s)
ESQUELETO Evaluation of biomechanical load in the muscle-scheleton system FCT/POCI 01-10-2004 4 year(s)
ESTIP ESTudo, desenvolvimento e experimentação de soluções inovadoras em redes IP PT Inovação 01-01-2005 1 year(s)
ESTIP (II) ESTudo, desenvolvimento e experimentação de soluções inovadoras em redes IP (II) PT Inovação 01-07-2005 1 year(s)
ESTIP (III) ESTudo, desenvolvimento e experimentação de soluções inovadoras em redes IP (III) PT Inovação 01-01-2006 1 year(s)
ESTIP V ESTudo, desenvolvimento e experimentação de soluções inovadoras em redes IP (V) PT Inovação 01-01-2007 1 year(s)
Euro-NF EURO NF - Network of the Future EU/FP7 01-01-2008 3 year(s)
Euro-NGI Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet, Towards Convergent Multi-Service Networks EU/FP6 01-12-2003 3 year(s)
EV4Energy SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 046995 - EV4Energy: THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE IN THE CENTRE OF THE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM P2020 01-07-2020 3 year(s)
EvaClue Evidence Accumulation in Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning: a Cluster Ensemble Approach FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 4 year(s)
FACE EXPRESS FACE EXPRESS PT Inovação, FCT, UT Austin 01-03-2012 1 year(s)
FAVIETOL Fast Video Encoding and Transcoding using Online Learning FCT 01-04-2017 1 year(s)
Fed4FIRE+ Fed4FIRE+: Aveiro Tech City Living Lab EU 15-03-2022 2 year(s)
FERA FERA (Ferramentas de dimensionamento Em Redes de acesso ATM) PT Inovação 01-03-1999 2 year(s)
fiQare fiQare (confidential) 01-10-2020 2 year(s)
FI-WI FIbre-WIreless Access: Future Integrated Access Architecture Based on Optical and Broadband Wireless Technologies ESF 01-09-2008 1 year(s)
FLOYD 5G/SDN Intelligent Systems For LOw latencY V2X communications in cross-Domain mobility FCT/COMPETE/FEDER, FCT/ CMU 02-01-2021 3 year(s)
FOCOS Aberrant Crypt Foci and Human Colorectal Polyps : mathematical modelling and endoscopic image processing. FCT, UT Austin 01-01-2009 4 year(s)
FORTO Smart self-assessment of muscle fatigability Active and Assisted Living (AAL) 01-07-2020 1 year(s)
Foundations of Future Wireless Communications Systems: Analysis, Design and Optimization Foundations of Future Wireless Communications Systems: Analysis, Design and Optimization FLAD 01-02-2008 4 year(s)
FRIENDS Fleet of dRones for radIological inspEction, commuNication anD reScue FCT/COMPETE/FEDER 01-10-2018 4 year(s)
FUTURE-COM Analysis, Design and Optimization of Future Communications Systems - From Theory to Practice IT/LA 01-01-2009 2 year(s)
GAPOTT GAPOTT PT Inovação 01-02-2014 2 year(s)
GEMINI GEMINI - GastroEnterology Made INteractIve FCT 01-04-2014 3 year(s)
GEN-CAN Generic Transport in Context-Aware Networks IT/LA 01-10-2008 2 year(s)
GESACESSO GESACESSO PT Inovação 01-04-2001 1 year(s)
GLANCES Generalized Linear Amplification with Nonlinear Components for Power and Spectral Efficient Broadband Wireless Systems IT/LA 01-04-2014 3 year(s)
GOLEM GOLEM: Realistic Virtual Humans EU/FP7 01-09-2010 5 year(s)
GoLocal GoLocal -- From Monitoring Global Data Streams to Context-Aware Recommendations FCT/ CMU 01-03-2016 4 year(s)
GPES GPES - Guest-Professorship on Embedded Systems KKS - Agência Sueca para o conhecimento 01-01-2015 1 year(s)
GreenEyes Networked energy-aware visual analysis EC/FP7 01-10-2012 3 year(s)
GRIP Gestão de Redes IP PT Inovação 01-01-2002 1 year(s)
GRIP Gestão Integrada de Redes IP PT Inovação 01-01-2003 1 year(s)
GTI-CANE Generic Transport In Context-Aware NEtworks FCT/PTDC 01-04-2010 3 year(s)
H2M H.264 to MPEG-2 Video Transcoder for Digital TV IT/LA 01-10-2005 3 year(s)
HAN-4G Integration of Heterogeneous Access Networks in a 4G Architecture IT/LA 01-09-2005 2 year(s)
HAnDLE Hardware Accelerated Deep Learning Framework FCT 12-07-2018 3 year(s)
HCI Reconhecimento de Padrões Cognitivos e Afectivos na Interacção Pessoa-Computador INSTICC 09-03-2004 4 year(s)
HE[eee]SIT[u]ATION HE[eee]SIT[u]ATION: Portuguese Hesitation Models FCT/PTDC 01-02-2011 3 year(s)
HeartBIT Novel pervasive technologies for the prevention and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases IT/LA 01-01-2014 2 year(s)
HeartSafe HeartSafe - Assessing Heart Function for Unsupervised Homecare Applications through Multi-Channel Auscultation FCT/PTDC 01-07-2013 3 year(s)
HIPERCAMBIO High Performance Computing Applied to Medical Data and Bioinformatics Microsoft 01-01-2008 5 year(s)
HoHus High-performance Onboard Hyperspectral Unmixing Systems IT/LA 01-10-2011 3 year(s)
Hycos Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing and Unmixing IT/LA 01-03-2014 2 year(s)
Hyrax Crowd-Sourcing de Dispositivos Móveis para o Desenvolvimento de Edge-Clouds FCT/CMU 01-04-2014 5 year(s)
ICSI Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency EC/FP7 01-11-2012 4 year(s)
IM3W Integração e Mobilidade em Redes 3GPP/Wi-Fi 01-12-2014 1 year(s)
IMMINENCE Projetos de I&D Industrial à Escala Europeia Nr. 112314 - IMMINENCE: Intelligent Management of next generation MobIle NEtworks aNd serviCEs P2020 01-06-2021 3 year(s)
InfoCent-IoT Efficient information centric networks for IoT infrastructures FCT/POCI, POR Lisboa, P2020 10-08-2018 4 year(s)
InfoMob Information Mobility in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks ESF 01-09-2008 1 year(s)
Interference Interference of C-ITS 5.9GHz in DSRC 5.8GHz Systems 01-03-2016 0 year(s)
Investigação em áreas de dimensionamento de redes de telecomunicações e atribuição de recursos para BroadbandLoop (projecto Europeu AC0038 do programa ACTS) e CESTA (Caracterização Estatística e Simulação de Tráfego ATM) PT Inovação 01-09-1997 2 year(s)
InVivoMuscle Development of “in vivo” experimental techniques and modeling methodologies for the evaluation of the mechanical load applied on the musculoskeletal system FCT/PTDC 01-02-2010 4 year(s)
IPv6 IPv4-IPv6 Transition Mechanisms PT Inovação 01-05-2000 1 year(s)
IPv6 Avançado Advanced Services on IPv4-IPv6 Networks PT Inovação 01-03-2002 1 year(s)
ITAPSN Issues in Transport Architectures and Protocols for Satellite Networks IT/LA 01-01-2005 2 year(s)
KLog KLog - Logics for Security FCT/PTDC 01-08-2007 4 year(s)
LearnBIG Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning from Big Data FCT/PTDC 01-05-2016 3 year(s)
LearningS Learning from Sequences FCT/PTDC 01-03-2013 2 year(s)
LETSREAD Automatic assessment of reading ability of children IT/LA 01-02-2014 3 year(s)
LFLS Light Field Laser Speckle in Medical Imaging (confidential) 01-04-2017 1 year(s)
LIFEisGAME LIFEisGAME: LearnIng of Facial Emotions usIng Serious GAMEs FCT, UT Austin 01-07-2010 5 year(s)
LINPOSYS Low-cost Indoor Positioning System (Linposys) FCT 01-10-2014 1 year(s)
LPNE Lembrar para não Esquecer EDP 01-11-2013 3 year(s)
LTE-Mob Integração de LTE nas Arquitecturas de Redes Futuras: uma Perspectiva de Mobilidade PT Inovação 01-04-2010 1 year(s)
M2M M2M - Where are the sensors PT Inovação 01-06-2011 1 year(s)
MacSeNet Machine Sensing Training Network EC 01-11-2014 5 year(s)
MAIA Multilingual Virtual Agents for Customer Service P2020 01-07-2020 3 year(s)
MA-LAN Multiple Access for Wireless and Ad-Hoc Networks IT/LA 01-04-2005 2 year(s)
MaLPIS Machine Learning based Profiling for Internet Security FCT/PTDC 01-10-2018 3 year(s)
MANADIX Motion analysis for advanced image communications systems EU/HCM 01-01-1993 4 year(s)
MAPINVPLANTS Monitoring the WaterHyacinth Using ASTER Imagery FCT 01-10-2016 2 year(s)
MARinWMN Multiple Access and Routing in Wireless and Mesh Networks IT/LA 01-01-2007 1 year(s)
MAVT Mobile audiovisual terminal EU/RACE 01-01-1992 4 year(s)
MBIR MBIR-Multispectral Biometric Iris Recognition IT/LA 01-09-2010 2 year(s)
MC-WMNs MC-WMNs: Multiple Context-based Wireless Mesh Networks FCT/PTDC 01-03-2012 3 year(s)
MEC Mobile Edge Cloud PT Inovação 01-03-2016 1 year(s)
MEDICOMP Spatiotemporal compression of volumetric medical images IT/LA 01-09-2014 3 year(s)
MEDIEVAL MultimEDia transport for mobIlE Video AppLications EU/FP7 01-07-2010 3 year(s)
MESTRa MESTRa - Mercado Electrónico para Serviços de TeleRadiologia iUZ Technologies Lda. 01-01-2015 1 year(s)
METRICS Programmable datacenter for IIoT applications IT 01-07-2016 2 year(s)
MobiWise MobiWise: from mobile sensing to mobility advising P2020 01-01-2017 5 year(s)
Moby Dick Moby Dick PT Inovação 01-01-2001 3 year(s)
MODCOMP Modeling User Behavior in Social Networks FCT/PTDC 01-07-2013 2 year(s)
MOGGY MOGGY - A Browser-Based Massive Multiplayer Online Game Engine Architecture FCT/PTDC 01-01-2008 3 year(s)
MOG-QC on the GO MOG-QC on the GO - Desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de controlo da qualidade de conteúdos audiovisuais FEDER/QREN 01-07-2013 2 year(s)
MOMO Multi-Overlays for Multi-hOming (MOMO) EU/FP7 01-11-2009 1 year(s)
MOMUSYS Mobile multimedia systems EU/ACTS 01-09-1995 5 year(s)
Move4Health Move4Health PT Inovação 01-03-2013 1 year(s)
MPEG ISO MPEG standardization IT/LA 01-07-1993 15 year(s)
MROUTE Metarouting IT/LA 01-01-2005 2 year(s)
MultiAP Multi-AP Wi-Fi Smart Mesh (confidential) 01-06-2018 3 year(s)
MULTIDIM Dimensioning Multi-Service and Multi-Layer Networks: Optimization Models FCT/POSI 01-01-2002 3 year(s)
Multipass Multipass Thales Alenia Space 01-07-2013 2 year(s)
Multipass Multipass PT Inovação 01-03-2010 1 year(s)
Multipass-II Multipass-II PT Inovação 01-09-2011 1 year(s)
MuMoMgt Gestão de Mobilidade e Multicast em Redes de Acesso Heterogéneas FCT/PTDC 01-02-2009 3 year(s)
MuViDisCo Multiview Video Disparity Compensation using Geometric Transforms IT/LA 01-06-2011 4 year(s)
MUVIS MUlti-view distributed coding for VIsual Sensor networks FCT/PTDC 01-03-2012 4 year(s)
NanoSTIMA NanoSTIMA – Macro-to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Multimodal Health Monitoring and Analytics Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte 01-07-2015 4 year(s)
NATO SET-225 NATO SET-225 Spatial and Waveform Diverse Noise Radar NATO, Marinha Portuguesa, Ministério da Defesa 01-01-2015 4 year(s)
NCI Normalização de comunicações de imagem JNICT/STRADA 01-01-1992 4 year(s)
N-CRAVE N-CRAVE - Network Coding for Robust Architectures in Volatile Environments EU/FP7 01-01-2008 3 year(s)
NECOVID NECOVID: Negative Covert Biometric Identification FCT/PTDC 01-11-2009 4 year(s)
NET-CAR NET-CAR QREN 01-12-2013 1 year(s)
NetEdge SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 069977 - NETEDGE - EDgE computing for end-users of optical Networks P2020 01-12-2020 3 year(s)
Net-PEEC Net-PEEC -Network Coding Protocols for Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution DoCoMo 01-01-2008 2 year(s)
NET-PORT NET-PORT: Soluções de Comunicações entre Veículos para Portos de Mar e Aeroportos ADI/QREN 01-09-2013 3 year(s)
NETS Next Generation Network Operations and Management FCT/CMU 01-09-2010 4 year(s)
NEUROCLINOMICS2 Unravelling Prognostic Markers in NEUROdegenerative diseases through CLINical and OMICS data integration FCT 01-07-2016 4 year(s)
new.WIVES Exploiting New Ways of Interaction in Virtual Environments IT/LA 01-06-2009 1 year(s)
NMARV Normalização de métodos avançados de representação de vídeo FCT/PRAXIS 01-01-1995 4 year(s)
NOISYIRIS NOISYRIS - Synthesis of Noisy Iris Images for Biometric Recognition Purposes IT/LA 01-09-2011 2 year(s)
Novel information processing methodologies for intelligent sensor networks Novel information processing methodologies for intelligent sensor networks FCT/CMU 01-01-2011 3 year(s)
NSCBRRI Novel Statistical Criteria for Blind Restoration and Reconstruction of Images FCT/POSC 01-08-2005 3 year(s)
OCaaS OCaaS PT Inovação 01-10-2013 1 year(s)
OneLab2 An Open Federated Laboratory Supporting Network Research for the Future Internet EU/FP7 01-09-2008 3 year(s)
OPAC Optimization of pattern-matching compression algorithms for GPU’s IT/LA 01-09-2014 4 year(s)
OT2Delivery Over-the-top Multimedia Content Delivery for Next Generation Mobile Networks FCT 01-04-2016 3 year(s)
P2056 Unified Standardisation Framework for Telecommunications Network Enablers Eurescom 01-01-2011 1 year(s)
P3DTV Performance Optimisation in 3D TV Broadcasting Services IPLeiria 01-11-2009 2 year(s)
P4NG P4NG Altice Labs S.A. Aveiro 01-09-2020 1 year(s)
PAConvex Beyond Convexity: Non-Convex Optimization and Game-Theoretic Approaches for Imaging Inverse Problems FCT 01-06-2013 2 year(s)
PADU Performance and Durability of Future Wireless Sensor Networks EU/FP7 01-06-2010 1 year(s)
PAIRUE Fusion of Palmprint and Iris Recognition in Uncontrolled Environments IT/LA 01-07-2011 3 year(s)
PANORAMA Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Telecomunicações sustentado em Plataformas Ópticas e de Rádio Avançadas com gestão integrada PT Inovação 01-01-2009 3 year(s)
PANORAMA PANORAMA II - REDES QREN 01-01-2013 2 year(s)
PASMO Plataforma aberta para o desenvolvimento e experimentação de soluções para a mobilidade P2020 15-05-2017 3 year(s)
PCMMC PCMMC: Perception-Driven Coordinated Multi-Robot Motion Control FCT 01-01-2010 4 year(s)
PCR Progressive Point Cloud Representation FCT 01-06-2016 3 year(s)
PCRF-Mob PCRF Mobilidade: Mobilidade e Controlo de Recursos em Ambientes 4G e Wi-Fi PT Inovação 01-09-2013 1 year(s)
PERSEIDS Personalizing cancer therapy through integrated modeling and decision FCT 17-06-2016 4 year(s)
PIANO PIANO (Intrinsically Assured Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) MIT 01-10-2008 1 year(s)
PIONEER PIONEER - Performance Issues in Optical NEtworks with intErnet tRaffic IT/LA 01-01-2003 3 year(s)
PMC Personal Media Cloud PT Inovação 01-03-2012 1 year(s)
Powerline Powerline PT Inovação 01-03-2003 1 year(s)
PREDICT Personalized therapy for RhEumatic DIseases via machine learning methods FCT 01-01-2019 3 year(s)
Prodígios Processamento digital de áudio e vídeo FCT/PRAXIS 01-01-1995 4 year(s)
QIS6 Developments and Studies in All-IP Wideband Networks: QoS and IPv6 PT Inovação 01-01-2004 1 year(s)
QoEViS Quality of Experience in Video Streaming IT/LA 01-07-2014 3 year(s)
QPMSN QoS and Performance Management in Satellite Networks IT/LA 01-01-2009 1 year(s)
QSec Quantum Security FCT/PTDC 01-11-2007 2 year(s)
QUALINET European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services EU/COST 01-11-2010 4 year(s)
QuantPrivTel QuantPrivTel: Quantum PrivateTelecommunications FCT/PTDC 01-01-2010 4 year(s)
QuantTel Quantum Secure Telecommunications IT/LA 01-11-2008 2 year(s)
QUIS-CAMPI QUIS-CAMPI: Biometric Recognition in Surveillance Environments IT/LA 01-03-2014 1 year(s)
RadioVoip RadioVoIP ADI 01-01-2012 4 year(s)
RADNAV III TCP/IP Services over HF Transmission Systems Marinha Portuguesa 01-01-2002 1 year(s)
RADNAV IV Development of a TCP/IP Service Platform to Run over HF Transmission Systems Marinha Portuguesa 01-01-2003 1 year(s)
RADNAV V Quality of Service and Multi-Channel Utilization on TCP/IP Communications over HF Military Systems Marinha Portuguesa 01-01-2004 1 year(s)
ReAlImage Regularization Criteria and Fast Algorithms for Imaging Inverse Problems FCT/PTDC 01-02-2010 3 year(s)
RECI Apoio à Mobilidade Suportada por Controlo Partilhado e Interfaces Homem-Máquina Avançados FCT 01-01-2013 2 year(s)
REMAR Redes DTN para comunicações de emergência QREN 01-01-2013 2 year(s)
RHEUMUS RHEUMUS - Sistema de análise de imagens de ecografia para reumatologia QREN 01-01-2014 2 year(s)
Ride2Autonomy Ride2Autonomy EU 15-04-2021 2 year(s)
RNG Redes de Nova Geração PT Inovação 01-03-2001 2 year(s)
ROCOP2P Robust Video Coding for Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming FCT 01-01-2012 4 year(s)
S2MovingCity Sensing and Serving a Moving City FCT/ CMU 01-03-2016 6 year(s)
S2MUV S2MUV Altran Portugal 01-04-2016 2 year(s)
SARMonitor Civil Traffic Monitoring Using SAR FCT/PTDC 01-11-2007 4 year(s)
SBikee Smart Bikeemotion ADI, SII&DT 01-09-2013 2 year(s)
SCALE Statistical Characterization of Telecommunications Traffic FCT/POSI 01-01-2001 1 year(s)
SCALE SI I&DT - Projetos em Copromoção Nr. 047210 - Scalable Centralized Grid Protection, Automation and Control P2020 01-01-2021 3 year(s)
SCALE II Trafic Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Multiservice Networks FCT/POSI 01-02-2002 3 year(s)
SCALE III Internet Traffic Measurements, Modelling and Statistical Analysis FCT/POSC 01-01-2005 2 year(s)
SCODE SCODE- Scanned COmpound Document Encoder FCT/PTDC 01-10-2007 4 year(s)
SCoT Smart Cloud of Things IP Beja 01-01-2015 1 year(s)
S-DiaSelMan Smart Diabetes Self-Management Care FCT 01-04-2014 3 year(s)
SDN SDN: Gestão de recursos para Soft Defined Networks (SDNs) PT Inovação 01-04-2013 1 year(s)
SDRT SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 070192 - SDRT Health - Software Defined Real-Time Health P2020 04-04-2021 3 year(s)
SDWN Service Differentiation in Wireless Networks IT/LA 01-01-2004 2 year(s)
SECURE-COM Physical-Layer Security - From Theory to Practice IT/LA 01-01-2009 2 year(s)
SECURIoTESIGN Towards the assurance of SECURity by dESIGN ​ of​ the Internet of Things FCT/COMPETE/FEDER 01-07-2018 3 year(s)
SELF Descoberta e decisão automática de recursos PT Inovação 01-04-2011 1 year(s)
SeLF-ICN Selectively Accessing Light Field Faces over Information Centric Networking IT 01-07-2016 2 year(s)
SENECA SENECA - Secure Network Coding and Applications CRUP 01-01-2008 3 year(s)
SENECOM SENECOM -Secure Network Communications FCT/GRICES 01-06-2007 3 year(s)
SENODS SENODS: Cyber-Physical Systems Technologies for Energy-Optimized Data Centers FCT/ CMU 01-10-2010 4 year(s)
SenseBusNet Sensing data and Delay-Tolerant Delivery over Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks IT/LA 01-05-2014 3 year(s)
Serv-CPS Serv-CPS: Server-based Real-Time Ethernet Communication Architecture for Cyber-Physical Systems FCT/PTDC 01-01-2012 4 year(s)
SheepIT SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 017640 - SheepIT: SISTEMA DE CONTROLO DE PASTAGEM BASEADO EM TECNOLOGIAS IT P2020 01-10-2016 3 year(s)
SHOWNet Soft HandOver for Wi-fi networks IT/LA 01-07-2011 3 year(s)
SIGAPANO SIGAPANO - Sensor Information Gathering with Patrol Nodes FCT/POSC 01-06-2005 3 year(s)
SIMBAD Beyond features: similarity-based pattern analysis and recognition EU/FP7 01-02-2008 4 year(s)
SIRS Scaling and Securing the Internet Routing System FCT 01-09-2016 2 year(s)
SITE SITE - Interactive System for the Inovation and Technological Transfer FEDER, PRAI 12-07-2002 3 year(s)
Smart EnterCom Núcleo de I&D em Copromoção Nr. 021949 - SmartEnterCom - Comunicações Empresariais Inteligentes P2020 01-01-2017 3 year(s)
SmartCityMules SmartCityMules - Mobile Data Collection and Dissemination Through Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks FCT/PTDC 01-04-2016 3 year(s)
SmartHeart Smarter Cardiac Sensing via Integrated Signal Processing IT 01-01-2017 2 year(s)
SmartParking Projeto Conceção e Desenvolvimento de Sistema de Controlo de Estacionamento Inteligente QREN 01-07-2014 1 year(s)
SmartServ SmartServ - Plataformas de serviços baseados em contexto: Algoritmos Avançados de Estimação, Inferência e Previsão PT Inovação 01-06-2011 1 year(s)
SNOB-5G MIT-PT SNOB-5G: Scalable Network Backhauling for 5G P2020 01-02-2020 4 year(s)
SooS Service-oriented Operating Systems EU/FP7 01-02-2010 3 year(s)
SPARSIS SparseModeling and Estimation of Motion Fields FCT 01-07-2016 3 year(s)
SpaRTaN Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Training Network EC 01-10-2014 4 year(s)
SSL-AMDMR Statistical and Structural Learning: Applications in Multimedia Data Mining and Retrieval FCT/POSI 01-01-2001 4 year(s)
STEINER Geometric engine of inhomogeneous implicit surfaces with singularities FCT/POSC 01-03-2005 2 year(s)
STEROID SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 069989 - STEROID: Plataforma de Verificação e Validação de Componentes de Suporte à Condução Autónoma para Veículos Inteligentes do Futuro P2020 31-12-2020 3 year(s)
STT Space-Time-Types: Behavioural and Spatial Type Systems FCT/POSC 01-07-2005 3 year(s)
SuperMEC SuperMEC Altran Portugal 01-02-2019 2 year(s)
SuperNet Support of Service Level Agreements in IP Networks FCT/POSI 04-12-2000 4 year(s)
Sureté Security in TCP/IP Networks PT Inovação 01-06-2002 1 year(s)
SWIFT Secure Widespread Identities for Federated Telecommunications EU/FP7 01-01-2008 3 year(s)
SWING2 Securing Wireless Networks with Coding and Jamming FCT/COMPETE/FEDER 01-05-2016 3 year(s)
Sympath FCT Exploratory project FCT 01-01-2012 3 year(s)
TAIQoM Advanced IP Services: QoS and Mobility PT Inovação 01-04-2001 1 year(s)
Talisman Tracing author’s rights by labeling image services and monitoring access network EU/FP7 01-09-1995 3 year(s)
TeamUp5G New RAN TEchniques for 5G UltrA-dense Mobile networks EU/H2020 28-12-2018 5 year(s)
Tecnovoz Tecnovoz ADI 01-07-2006 3 year(s)
TELEMAT Traffic Engineering for DiffServ/MPLS Networks PT Inovação 01-04-2001 1 year(s)
TICE.Healthy Systems of Health and Quality of Life QREN/COMPETE 01-01-2011 4 year(s)
TOP Transport Protocol for DVB-RCS Interoperable PEP-Phase 1 ESA-ESTEC 01-11-2006 1 year(s)
TOP Transport Protocol for DVB-RCS Interoperable PEP-Phase2 ESA-ESTEC 01-07-2007 1 year(s)
TPSAT Transport Protocol and Resource Management for Mobile Satellite Networks ESA-ESTEC 01-07-2001 2 year(s)
TPSAT2 Transport Protocol and Resource Management for Mobile Satellite Networks - Phase 2 ESA-ESTEC 01-09-2003 2 year(s)
TRAMANET TRAMANET – Traffic and Trust Management in Peer-to-Peer Networks FCT/PTDC 01-01-2008 4 year(s)
TRUST SI I&DT Copromoção - Projeto de I&D à Escala Europeia Nr. 037930 - TRUST - Transportation and Road monitoring system for UbiquitouS real-Time information services P2020 01-10-2018 4 year(s)
TWIN SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 069557 - Twin: Plataforma híbrida de aprovisionamento de serviços e comunicações orquestradas para aplicações stateful com requisitos de latência e jitter P2020 31-01-2021 3 year(s)
UbiquiMesh Cross-Layer Optimization in Multiple Mesh Ubiquitous Networks FCT/PTDC 01-02-2010 3 year(s)
UDICMI Ultra High Definition Image Communication for Medical Imaging QREN 01-01-2013 3 year(s)
UltraTV SI I&DT Copromoção Nr. 017738 - UltraTV – Ecossistema de aplicações para TV UltraHD P2020 01-04-2016 3 year(s)
UMM Gestão de Mobilidade Centrada no Utilizador Final FCT/PTDC 01-04-2010 3 year(s)
VDTN Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks EU/FP7 01-03-2010 1 year(s)
VDTN@Lab Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks IT/LA 01-01-2009 2 year(s)
VERE VERE: Virtual Embodiment and Re-Embodiment EC/FP7 01-06-2010 6 year(s)
Viltal Responder Vital Responder: Monitoring Stress among First Responder Professionals FCT/CMU 01-01-2009 4 year(s)
VISNET Networked audiovisual media technologies EU 01-12-2003 2 year(s)
VISNET II Networked audiovisual media technologies II EU 01-07-2006 3 year(s)
VITALIDI Android Biometrics Demonstrator IT/LA 01-11-2011 3 year(s)
VOCE Voice Coach for Reduced Stress FCT/PTDC 01-03-2012 4 year(s)
VR2 VitalResponder 2.0: Intelligent management of critical events of stress, fatigue and smoke intoxication in forest firefighting FCT 01-07-2013 3 year(s)
VR2MARKET Desenvolvimento dum Produto para Monitorização Móvel e Vestível da Saúde de Profissionais de Primeira Resposta e de outras Profissões de Risco FCT/ CMU 01-07-2014 5 year(s)
VT Video transcoding between H.264 and MPEG-2 British Council, CCISP 01-04-2009 2 year(s)
WebRun Interactive Web game to promote the sports practice IT/LA 01-04-2010 1 year(s)
WIP An All-Wireless Mobile Network Architecture EU 01-01-2006 3 year(s)
WIPHYSEC WIPHYSEC - Wireless Physical-Layer Security FLAD 01-01-2007 4 year(s)
WISEACT Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport EU/COST 01-05-2018 2 year(s)
WITS WITS - Wireless Information - Theoretic Security FCT/PTDC 01-01-2008 3 year(s)