Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Participation in Projects

Running Projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
6G-PHYSEC CA22168 - Physical layer security for trustworthy and resilient 6G systems (6G-PHYSEC) EU/COST 26-09-2023 4 year(s)
CoMBINNe Compression of Multimodal Biomedical Images using Neural Networks FCT 12-03-2023 2 year(s)
DARING Deep compression: emerging pAradigm foR Image codiNG FCT 01-06-2021 4 year(s)
DECOLLAGE DECOLLAGE - DEep COgnition Learning for LAnguage GEneration EU/Horizon Europe 01-08-2023 6 year(s)
EVASION EVent Aware Sensor CompresSION RayShaper 01-07-2023 3 year(s)
NextGenAI NextGenAI - Center for Responsible AI IAPMEI 01-10-2021 5 year(s)
PORTRAIT Perceptual-aware geOmetRic sTructuRe Adaptation of wIde-angle phoTography VIVO 01-07-2024 2 year(s)
UNIFY Compilation Abstraction and Hardware Adaptation for Specialized and General-Purpose Computing Unification FCT 10-03-2023 4 year(s)
UTTER Unified Transcription and Translation for Extended Reality EU 01-10-2022 3 year(s)

Closed projects:

Acronym Name Funding Agency Start date Duration
Coordenação do projecto : QUANTLOG: Logic in Quantum Computation and Information, POCI/MAT/55796/2004 01-01-2005 3 year(s)
AARCHEVC Algorithms and architectures for HEVC/H.265 compatible 3D video coders FCT/CAPES 01-01-2014 3 year(s)
AIMHealth AI-based Mobile Applications for Public Health Response FCT 01-02-2021 2 year(s)
ARoundVision All aRound panoramic Vision for smart and secure environments FCT/POCI, PO Centro 19-06-2018 4 year(s)
Bin-NET Bin-NET: PiM-Enabled Binary Neural Network Inferencing at the Edge FCT 01-12-2021 2 year(s)
CATARACTUS Development of a medical device based on ultrasounds for objective cataract characterization and optimal phacoemulsification energy evaluation FCT/COMPETE/FEDER 26-06-2018 5 year(s)
Characterization of Noise Radar SET-287 Characterization of Noise Radar NATO, Ministério da Defesa 01-01-2020 4 year(s)
CIBME CIBME - Compressão de Imagens Biomédicas de Modalidades Emergentes IT/LA 01-05-2020 4 year(s)
CloudAnchor CloudAnchor ADI 01-01-2012 3 year(s)
Deep-PCR Deep learning-based Point Cloud Representation FCT 01-01-2022 3 year(s)
DeepSPIN DeepSPIN EU/H2020 01-02-2018 6 year(s)
DRAGON End-to-End Deep learning based image Compression IT 01-10-2021 2 year(s)
ECHO ECHO: error-correcting codes in high-performance communication systems through joint exploration of inference algorithms and parallel architectures FCT 01-07-2017 7 year(s)
e-CoDev mHealth Device for Remote Monitoring of Symptoms in COVID-19 IT 01-09-2021 1 year(s)
EmergIMG Emerging Image Modalities Representation and Compression FCT/PTDC 01-06-2016 5 year(s)
foRESTER foRESTER - Data fusion of sensor networks and fire spread modelling for decision support in forest fire suppression FCT 01-01-2019 3 year(s)
LIMESA Light Field Processing for Immersive Media Streaming Applications FCT 01-03-2021 3 year(s)
MATISSE A machine learning-based forecasting system for shellfish safety FCT 01-04-2020 3 year(s)
MONET Multi-omic networks in gliomas FCT 01-03-2021 3 year(s)
NECO NECO - Network Coding Opportunities FLAD 01-01-2006 2 year(s)
PANORAMA II Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Telecomunicações sustentado em Plataformas Ópticas e de Rádio Avançadas com gestão integrada PT Inovação 01-01-2013 2 year(s)
PCCOMPQ Point Cloud Compression and Quality Evaluation FCT 01-05-2017 1 year(s)
PCLMobile Passive Coherent Locators on Mobile Platforms Ministério da Defesa, NATO 01-02-2017 4 year(s)
PlenoISLA Plenoptic imaging for skin lesion assessment FCT/POCI, P2020 25-07-2018 4 year(s)
PredictEV PredictEV - Mobile Sensing and Reliable Prediction of Electric Vehicle Charging in Smart Grids CISCO 01-07-2012 2 year(s)
PRELUNA Precise and Efficient Learning using Attention Mechanisms FCT 01-01-2022 3 year(s)
SafeFire Human and ambient monitoring integrated sensors in firefighter workwear for increase safety FCT 24-01-2021 4 year(s)
SMART New technologies and strategies for stem cell manufacturing bioprocess monitoring and artificial intelligence-based modeling FCT 01-01-2021 5 year(s)
VIEXPAND Vídeo Industrial para Visão Expandida em Operações à Distância P2020 01-10-2020 3 year(s)
XAIface Measuring and Improving Explainability for AI-based Face Recognition FCT 01-05-2021 3 year(s)
XiPhy Xinhuanet Physiological Computing Scientific Research Cooperation Xinhuanet Co. Ltd. 01-01-2018 2 year(s)