Turbidity measuring sensor and method
Bilro, L.
Nogueira, R.N.
; Ferreira, R. X.
; Keizer, J. J.
; Prats, S.
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro
Invention Title: Turbidity measuring sensor and method
Patent Nr.: PCT/IB2013/053308
Type: Patent
Regional Coverage: PCT
Priority Date: 26-04-2012
Filing Date: 26-04-2013
The present invention describes a low-cost, portable multiparameter turbidity sensor based on fiber optics. The sensor quantifies optical transmission and dispersion in a fluid by nephelometry, using light emission at two or more wavelengths. The invention allows the concentration of suspended solids to be estimated, the type of sediment to be distinguished on the basis of colour, grain size classes to be differentiated, and partial concentrations of suspended solids to be identified and determined. The sensor comprises an emitter (1) of one or more light wavelengths, a receiver (2) for measuring transmission, a receiver (3) for measuring dispersion, and a measurement cell with an inner cavity (4) for receiving the fluid being analysed, these elements being arranged at predefined distances (L1, L2, L3) and predefined angles (A1, A2) in relation to each other.