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Passive and remote method of pump control in remote amplified systems

Teixeira, A. ; Ferreira, M. ; Baptista, A. B.

Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro

Invention Title: Passive and remote method of pump control in remote amplified systems

Patent Nr.: PCT/IB2010/055692

Type: Patent

Regional Coverage: PCT

Priority Date: 31-12-2009

Filing Date: 09-12-2010

The present invention is related to the telecommunications area, specifically to fiber optic communications, describing a new passive control method of the amount of pumping power to be supplied to an amplifier or set of remote amplifiers in series to independently vary the gain provided by any of the amplifiers, thus minimizing the losses associated with integration and waste of pump power. With this method it is possible to avoid the use of active or more complex components to control the amount of pump power to supply the remote amplifiers, making the process of amplification both passive and reconfigurable.