A method and an apparatus for physical layer in NOMA based wireless communication systems
Dinis, R.
Carvalho, PMC
Guerreiro, J.
Madeira, J.
; Campos, L.
Serra, H.
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Koala Tech Lda.
Invention Title: A method and an apparatus for physical layer in NOMA based wireless communication systems
Patent Nr.: PCT/PT2021/050003
Type: Patent
Regional Coverage: PCT
Priority Date: 31-01-2020
Filing Date: 01-02-2021
Due to capacity and energy gains Multi-Input, Multi-Output (MIMO) techniques are being adopted in modern wireless communication systems. Capacity can even be increased by schemes where the users share the same bandwidth, which is the case of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) schemes when are combined with MIMO. A method for physical layer security of a power-based NOMA MIMO with a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) scheme is disclosed herein. The method could be employed with Single-Carrier with Frequency-Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) techniques and has a straightforward adaption to Multi Carrier (MC) or other Single Carrier (SC) systems. More concretely, the security potential against an unintended eavesdropper increases with the channel estimate correlation between transmitter and receiver. A representative set of simulations and experiments verify the potential security rate realized with embodiments of the method for physical layer in NOMA based wireless communication systems.