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Microwave photonic signal processor

Drummond, M. V. ; Nogueira, R.N. ; Oliveira, R.

Instituto de Telecomunicações

Invention Title: Microwave photonic signal processor

Patent Nr.: PCT/IB2020/061433

Type: Patent

Regional Coverage: PCT

Priority Date: 23-12-2019

Filing Date: 03-12-2020

Tech Offer: High-capacity photonic beamforming for phased antennas

ln accordance with a described example, a microwave photonic signal processor (MPSP) is disclosed for processing a first and a second input wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) signals, each comprising RF sidebands and optical carriers, which comprises a programmable photonic processor (PPP) for individually adjusting the magnitude and phase of each optical carrier and RF sideband of the first WDM signal; an optical combiner for combining the output signal of the PPP with the second WDM signal; and a photodetection stage for converting the signal output by the optical combiner to an electrical signal.