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Developing aerobic and anaerobic fitness using small-sided soccer games: Methodological proposals

Clemente, F.M.C. ; Martins, F. ; Mendes, R.

Strength and Conditioning Journal Vol. 36, Nº 3, pp. 76 - 87, June, 2014.

ISSN (print): 1524-1602
ISSN (online): 1533-4295

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,36 (in 2014)

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Soccer coaches have been increasing the use of small-sided games in soccer training. These small-sided games show a similar efficiency as traditional running methods (without the use of a ball) in developing physical fitness in soccer players. Moreover, small-sided games enable the development of both technical skills and tactical actions. However, there is little knowledge about the proper organization that is necessary for small-sided games to achieve the desired effects in soccer players. This review aims to summarize the physiological effects on soccer players promoted by small-sided games and to develop a methodological schematization for organizing small-sided games.
Key-words: Soccer; fitness training; small-sided games; performance.