Nitrogen and hydrogen related infrared absorption in CVD diamond films
Titus, E.T.
; Ali, N.A.
; Cabral, G.C.
Mendes, J. C.
; Neto, V. Neto
; P. Ramesh Babu, P.R.B.
; Sikder, A.K.S.
; Okpalugo, T.I.T.O.
; Misra, D.S.M.
Thin Solid Films Vol. 515, Nº 1, pp. 201 - 206, September, 2006.
ISSN (print): 0040-6090
ISSN (online):
Scimago Journal Ranking: 1,14 (in 2006)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.tsf.2005.12.062
In this paper, we investigate on the presence of hydrogen and nitrogen related infrared absorptions in chemical vapour deposited (CVD) diamond films. Investigations were carried out in cross sections of diamond windows, deposited using hot filament CVD (HFCVD). The results of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy carried out in a cross section of self-standing diamond sheets are presented. The FTIR spectra showed several features that have not been reported before. In order to confirm the frequency of nitrogen related vibrations, ab-initio calculations were carried out using GAMESS program. The investigations showed the presence of several C–N related peaks in one-phonon (1000–1333 cm− 1). The deconvolution of the spectra in the three-phonon region (2700–3150 cm− 1) also showed a number of vibration modes corresponding to spmCHn phase of carbon. Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) was employed to compare the H content measured using FTIR technique. Using these measurements we point out that the oscillator strength of the different IR modes varies depending upon the structure and H content of CVD diamond sheets.