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Reconfigurable Dual-Band C-Shaped Monopole Antenna Array with High Isolation

Luo, Q. L. ; Pereira, J. R. ; Salgado, H.

Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation Vol. 46, Nº 13, pp. 888 - 889, June, 2010.

ISSN (print): 0263-2241
ISSN (online):

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,39 (in 2010)

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1049/el.2010.8846

A reconfigurable dual-band monopole array with high isolation for
WLAN MIMO application is proposed. This antenna array contains
two C-shaped monopoles with a shorting line, on which two RF
switches were integrated, connecting the two antenna elements that
are separated by a distance of 0.09l2.4GHz. High isolation at 2.4 or
5.2 GHz bands can be achieved by changing the states of the RF
switches. Experiment results indicate that the proposed antenna array
has a 210 dB bandwidth that covers the required frequencies for
dual-band WLAN applications with an isolation higher than 20 dB
over the lower operation bands when the RF switches are ‘ON’, and
an isolation higher than 17 dB at the higher operation band when the
switches are ‘OFF’.