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Reconfigurable multi-mode sigma–delta modulator for 4G mobile terminals

Silva, A. ; Guilherme, J.G. ; Horta, N.

Integration, the VLSI Journal Vol. 42, Nº 1, pp. 34 - 46, January, 2009.

ISSN (print): 0167-9260
ISSN (online):

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,29 (in 2009)

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1016/j.vlsi.2008.07.004

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A reconfigurable sigma–delta modulator, which is able to support the predictable standards for the fourth generation (4G) of mobile communication systems, is presented in this paper. This modulator was designed to cope with six different communications standards relying on a flexible architecture. Furthermore, the proposed architecture introduces the ability to process concurrently two different signals. The major design issues are outlined and operation modes are detailed. The feasibility of the presented solution is demonstrated using high-level system-level simulations as well as device-level simulations of the modulator implemented with switched capacitor circuits.