Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

A Maneuver Coordination Analysis Using Artery V2X Simulation Framework

Oliveira, J. O. ; Vieira, E. ; Almeida, J. A. ; Ferreira, J. ; Bartolomeu, P.

Electronics Vol. 13, Nº 23, pp. 4813 - 4813, December, 2024.

ISSN (print):
ISSN (online): 2079-9292

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,64 (in 2023)

Digital Object Identifier: 10.3390/electronics13234813

This paper examines the impact of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications on vehicle cooperation, focusing on increasing the robustness and feasibility of Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Vehicles (CCAVs). V2X communications enable CCAVs to obtain a holistic environmental perception, facilitating informed decision making regarding their trajectory. This technological innovation is essential to mitigate accidents resulting from inadequate or absent communication on the roads. As the importance of vehicle cooperation grows, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has been standardizing messages and services for V2X communications, in order to improve the synchronization of CCAVs actions. In this context, this preliminary work explores the use of Maneuver Coordination Messages (MCMs), under standardization by ETSI, for cooperative path planning. This work presents a novel approach by implementing these messages as well as the associated Maneuver Coordination Service (MCS) with a Cooperative Driving System to process maneuver coordination. Additionally, a trajectory approach is introduced along with a message generation mechanism and a process to dynamically handle collisions. This was implemented in an Artery V2X simulation framework combining both network communications and SUMO traffic simulations. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of using V2X communications to ensure the safety and efficiency of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS).