A Low-Cost Embedded System to Support Broadcasting Emergency Messages Through FM Radio Stations
Navarro, A.
Carvalho, N.B.C.
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters Vol. 16, Nº 3, pp. 247 - 250, September, 2024.
ISSN (print): 1943-0663
ISSN (online): 1943-0671
Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,46 (in 2023)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/LES.2023.3343641
Emergency alert systems (EASs) have been deployed in some countries in order to broadcast emergency alerts and warning messages to the public. In this letter, we describe an innovative electronic embedded solution, named Firetec switch intended to be placed in the FM radio stations. This switch will be supported by a server placed at the authorized officials, with the capability to generate the audio alerting messages. One interesting challenge is to deliver the messages only to the local public, in the catastrophe neighborhood, by using FM radio stations. This letter focuses on the description of the Firetec switch hardware and software.