Experimental estimation of Lamb wave dispersion curves for adhesively bonded aluminum plates, using two adjacent signals
Barzegar, M.
Pasadas, D.
Ribeiro, A. L.
Ramos, H.
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Vol. 69, Nº 6, pp. 2143 - 2151, June, 2022.
ISSN (print): 0885-3010
ISSN (online): 1525-8955
Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,84 (in 2022)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TUFFC.2022.3164731
In this study, dispersion curve estimation of a bonded aluminum plate is carried out by proposing a specific signal processing procedure. In this proposed method, the angle beam ultrasonic transducer measurement system in a pitch-catch configuration is used to acquire Lamb wave signals from two adjacent positions. The obtained signals are processed then by using signal processing techniques, including bandpass filters, fast Fourier transform (FFT), and bandpass Gaussian filters. Various transmitted signals with different central frequencies are used to estimate four modes of the utilized bonded specimen for frequencies less than 1 MHz. The dispersion curve results in terms of phase velocity and wavenumbers are compared with theoretical dispersion curves and 2-D FFT. This comparison is carried out by using three different metrics, which shows the maximum mean relative error of 3.46% with low variance.