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Functioning and Cognition of Portuguese Older Adults Attending in Residential Homes and Day Centers: A Comparative Study

Lopes, M. ; Pinho, L. ; Fonseca, C. ; Goes, M. ; Oliveira, H. ; Garcia-Alonso, J. ; Afonso, A.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 18, Nº 13, pp. 7030 - 7030, June, 2021.

ISSN (print): 1661-7827
ISSN (online): 1660-4601

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,81 (in 2021)

Digital Object Identifier: 10.3390/ijerph18137030

The functioning and cognition of older adults can be influenced by different care contexts. We aimed to compare the functioning profiles and cognition of institutionalized and noninstitutionalized older adults and to evaluate the effect of sociodemographic factors on the functioning and cognition. This is a cross-sectional study that included 593 older adults. The data were collected using the Elderly Nursing Core Set and Mini Mental State Examination. Women, older adults who did not attend school and those live in Residential Homes are more likely to have a higher degree of cognitive impairment than men, those who attended school and those frequent Day Centre. The chances of an older adult with moderate or severe cognitive impairment increases with age. Older women, older adults who did not attend school, and older adults who live in Residential Homes had a higher degree of functional problem than men, those who attended school and those who frequent a Day Centre, independently to age. It is necessary to promote the health literacy of older adults throughout life. The implementation of social and health responses should allow older adults to remain in their homes, given the influence of functioning and cognition on self-care and quality of life.