Fail silence mechanism for dependable vehicular communications
Almeida, J. A.
Ferreira, J.
Oliveira, A.
International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking Vol. 10, Nº 6, pp. 534 - 545, October, 2017.
ISSN (print): 1740-0562
ISSN (online): 1740-0570
Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,43 (in 2017)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1504/IJHPCN.2017.10008241
This paper presents a fault-tolerant architecture to improve the dependability of infrastructure-based vehicular networks. For that purpose, a fail silence enforcement mechanism for road-side units (RSUs) was designed, implemented and tested. Vehicular communications based on IEEE 802.11p are inherently non-deterministic. The presence of RSUs and a backhauling network, adds a degree of determinism that is useful to enforce real-time and dependability, both by providing global knowledge and by supporting the operation of collision-free deterministic MAC protocols. One of such protocols is V-FTT, for which the proposed mechanism was designed as a case study. Notice, however that this mechanism is protocol independent and can be adapted to any wireless communications system. The proposed technique is capable of validating a frame for transmission by identifying faults both in value and time domains. Experimental results show that the fail silence enforcement mechanism has low latency and consumes few FPGA resources.