Fitness participants perceived quality by age and practiced activity
Campos, F.
Martins, F.
Journal of Physical Education and Sport Vol. 17, Nº 2, pp. 698 - 704, June, 2017.
ISSN (print): 2247-8051
ISSN (online): 2247-806X
Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,28 (in 2017)
Digital Object Identifier: 10.7752/jpes.2017.02 10
The fitness
participants could have a specific and critical role in the service provision and, with that,
contribute to the service quality improvement. The aim of this research is characterize and compare the quality
indicators of the group exercise fitness instruct
through the participant’s perception, evaluated by QIF
considering their age and practiced activity.
The data were collected from 622 group exercise
participants (all from female gender, participants in fitness centers of Coimbra
Portugal, with 18 years old or
more). After the application of the ANOVA one
way test is possible to conclude that, considering their age,
there are statistical significant differences in 9 of the 11 items of the relational quality dimension and 9 of the 1
categories of the technical
pedagogical quality dimension. In accordance to the different dimensions [relational
p=0,001; ƞ2=0,037, small effect size); technical
pedagogical (F=8,029; p=0,001; ƞ2=0,025, small
effect size)] and general construct (F=10,211; p=0,001; ƞ2=0,032, small effect size) is possible to conclude that
are statistical significant differences consi
dering the age of the fitness participants.
In accordance to the activity,
there are statistical significant differences in 8 of the 11 categories of the relational quality dimension and in 9 of
the 14 categories of the technical
pedagogical quality dimens
ion. Considering different dimensions [relational
(F=6,106; p=0,001; ƞ2=0,038, small effect size); technical
pedagogical (F=4,207; p=0,006; ƞ2=0,027, small
effect size)] and general construct (F=5,199; p=0,001; ƞ2=0,033, small effect size) also is possibl
e to conclude
that are statistical significant differences in the practiced activity.
Key words:
age; fitness instructor; fitness participant; practiced activity; quality; service.