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Physical self-description and sport participation, by gender, of university students

Campos, F. ; MARQUES, M. ; SILVA, S. ; Martins, F. ; SIMÕES, V. ; FRANCO, S.

Journal of Physical Education and Sport Vol. 17, Nº 1, pp. 207 - 2011, April, 2017.

ISSN (print): 2247-8051
ISSN (online): 2247-806X

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,28 (in 2017)

Digital Object Identifier: 10.7752/jpes.2017.01031

University students, who are regular sport participants, showed a superior and more positively physical selfdescription
in body fat, general physical self-concept and self-esteem perception (Silva, Vicente, Amaro, &
Campos, 2016). In another study with university students, in order to investigate what they think about their own
physical appearance (Silva, Saenger, & Pereira, 2011), it was concluded that 63% of male and 67% of female
students presents dissatisfaction, although for contradictory reasons (female students were dissatisfied due to
overweight; male students were dissatisfied due to the thinness index).
Considering this, based on the presented studies, the aim of this research is to characterize and compare sport
participants by gender - students of the Cuenca Campus of the Universidad Castilla La Mancha (Spain) -
according 4 (four) dimensions of their physical self-description: (1) body fat; (2) general physical self-concept;
(3) self-esteem; (4) physical appearance. It was applied a reduced version of the Physical Self-Description
Questionnaire (PSDQ), translated to Spanish (Tomás, 1998). The data were collected from 175 university
students (22,00±3,41 years old), regular sport participants (at least once per week): 86 females (21,15±1,99 years
old) and 89 males (22,82±4,18 years old). After the application of the ANOVA one-way test is possible to
confirm, comparing the male with the female sport participants, that there are no statistical significant
differences in the dimensions: body fat (F=0,001; p=0,973); self-esteem (F=0,186; p=0,667); physical
appearance (F=0,748; p=0,388). In contrast, there are statistical significant differences in general physical selfconcept
dimension (F=4,269; p=0,040), having the male participants a higher mean of answer values (M=4,643).

Key Words: Gender; Physical Self-Description; Sport