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Interleaved Concatenated Coding for Secrecy in the Finite Blocklength Regime

Vilela, J.P. ; Gomes, M. ; Sarmento, D. C. ; Harrison, W. K. Harrison ; Dias, F.F.D

IEEE Signal Processing Letters Vol. 23, Nº 3, pp. 356 - 360, March, 2016.

ISSN (print): 1070-9908
ISSN (online): 1558-2361

Scimago Journal Ranking: 0,80 (in 2016)

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/LSP.2015.2511821

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We propose a systematic concatenated coding scheme based on the combination of interleaving with powerful channel codes for wireless secrecy at a reduced energy cost. The basic idea lies in generating a short random key that is used to shuffle/interleave information at the source. This key is then sent to the legitimate receiver during a brief period of advantageous communication over the eavesdropper (e.g. due to more interference from a jammer). Finally, the key is decoded at the legitimate receiver to properly deinterleave the original information. Bob receives a better quality version of the interleaving key, therefore providing the needed advantage over the eavesdropper. A strong inner code provides reliability of data, while a shorter outer code provides extra error protection for the interleaving key. We propose a methodology for selection of the outer key code with reliability and security constraints. For that, we introduce a bit error complementary cumulative distribution function metric, that is suitable for security and reliability analysis of t-error correcting codes. Wireless secrecy comes from using interleaving for secrecy purposes rather than for reliability alone.