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On the use of TCH Codes in ultraWide band systems

Almeida, A. ; Dinis, R. ; Cercas, Cercas, F.

On the use of TCH Codes in ultraWide band systems, Proc IASTED International Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications - SPPRA, Innsbruck, Austria, Vol. *, pp. * - *, February, 2011.

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TCH (Tomlinson, Cercas, Hughes) codes are very low rate
codes with good overall performance. Moreover, TCH sequences
have good auto-correlation characteristics, making
them suitable for spread spectrum systems. In this paper
we consider the use of TCH codes in standard UWB systems
(time-hopping and direct sequence employing pulseposition
and pulse-amplitude modulations) where performance
results are comparable to other pseudo-random
codes. A performance advantage is gained when TCH
codes are used for combined coding and spreading in Ultrawide
Band Systems.