Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Smart-Clothing, Innovation on Mobile Healthcare

Borges, Luis M. ; Lebres, S. ; Araújo, P.A. ; Velez, F. J. ; Rente , A. ; , ; Barroca, N. ; Ferro, J.M.

Smart-Clothing, Innovation on Mobile Healthcare, Proc Conf. da Engenharia - UBIEngenharias, Covilha, Portugal, Vol. -, pp. - - -, November, 2009.

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In low risk pregnancies, the continuous monitoring of the foetal health is based on traditional protocols for counting the foetal movements felt by the mother. Besides the maternal perception is a relevant characteristic for the evaluation of the foetal health, this monitoring is hard to accomplish and can induce to errors due to mother’s anxiety and concentration lack. Furthermore the majority of foetus fatalities occurs in the end of pregnancy and verifies in the low risk group. Therefore, it is important to obtain a universal obstetric tracing, allowing for the identification of sudden changes in the foetus health, by electronic continuously monitoring the foetus movements. The Smart-Clothing Project has developed an easy to wear belt with tele-medicine system for continuously and remotely monitoring the foetal health in low risk pregnancies.