Improved SOVE Algorithm for Full Velocity Vector Estimation of Ships using Amplitude Data
Radius, R. A.
Marques, P. M.
Improved SOVE Algorithm for Full Velocity Vector Estimation of Ships using Amplitude Data, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, Vol. 1, pp. 469 - 472, May, 2009.
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We propose a novel methodology for ship detection and their full velocity vector extraction from SAR data, using only the amplitude information. The algorithm is based on the Radon Transform to detect the ships and to retrieve the two components of the velocity vector, using the information from the wake orientation and from the azimuth displacement. To increase the robustness to noisy environments a dedicated filter, which operates in the spatial frequency domain, is proposed. The main advantages are that the algorithm does not need any a priori information and is very light from the computational point of view.