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Single Stage Techniques for Power Factor Correction

Ribeiro, H.R. ; Borges, B. ; Ferreira, C.

Single Stage Techniques for Power Factor Correction, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, Vol. -, pp. - - -, May, 2009.

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Medium and high power switch mode power supplies SMPS (>500W) used in telecommunications stations are normally based on the full-bridge DC-DC converter with isolation transformer. According to the transistors states, the full-bridge converter allows four different switching sates which can be used to control the output voltage of the SMPS, and to perform the power factor corrector (PFC) function simultaneously. This paper presents the techniques and the control strategies used to guarantee the control of both conversion process, i.e., output voltage regulation and input current wave shaping to provide PFC, previously referred. Experimental results of two single-stage DC-DC full-bridge topologies with PFC are also presented, in order to verify their higher performance.