Next Generation Application Processor Based on the IEEE 1451.1 Standard and Web Services
Viegas, V.
Dias Pereira, J. M.
Girão, P.M.
Next Generation Application Processor Based on the IEEE 1451.1 Standard and Web Services, Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and Technology Conf. - I2MTC, Victoria, Canada, Vol. I, pp. 405 - 410, May, 2008.
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Over the last decade, the 1451.1 Std has been a reference model to develop smart and open distributed measurement and control systems. Now, that the 1451.1 Std is about to be revised, there is the opportunity to enrich it with emergent and successful technologies as is the case of Web Services. Following this idea, we present a prototype of Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP) that runs on the .NET Framework and exposes its functionality through a set of Web Services. The prototype takes advantage of three key technologies: (i) the abstraction layer proposed by the 1451.1 Std; (ii) the interoperability provided by Web Services; and (iii) the productivity supplied by the .NET Framework.