Overview of Progress in Smart-Clothing Project for Health Monitoring and Sport Applications
Borges, Luis M.
; Rente , A.
Velez, F. J.
; ,
; Lebres, A.
Araújo, P.A.
; Ferro, J.M.
Overview of Progress in Smart-Clothing Project for Health Monitoring and Sport Applications, Proc International Symp. on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies - ISABEL, aalborg, Denmark, Vol. --, pp. -- - --, October, 2008.
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Abstract—Smart-Clothing is a project that combines research in textiles materials and wireless sensor and actuator networks in the context of human body monitoring with statistical methods for the data analysis and treatment. This project aims mainly to aid in the monitoring of the foetal movement in the last four weeks of pregnancy. Besides the integration of sensors in the garment there will be needed a hierarchical communication system that allows the delivery of the data collected from the garment that the pregnant is wearing to the doctor. The pregnant can be either at home or in the hospital. In the first stage of the project tests are being made using several types of sensors integrated in a belt in order to choose the one that is more reliable for the detection of foetal movement. Another sensing task is the manufacture of the electrodes for the electrocardiogram (ECG) system. At this point, the electrodes for the ECG are already made and working. The testing of the sensor for the detection of foetal movement is still being done.