Health Status Monitor Based on Embedded Photoplethysmography and Smart Phone
Postolache, O.
Girão, P.M.
; Postolache, G.
Health Status Monitor Based on Embedded Photoplethysmography and Smart Phone, Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and, Ottawa, Canada, Vol. I, pp. 39 - 42, May, 2008.
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The paper presents a wireless personal area network
(WPAN) including two Bluetooth enabled measuring nodes that
delivers information about some physiological parameters extracted
from plethysmography signals and provides information of indoor
air temperature and relative humidity. The data from the node of
physiological and air parameter measurements are received by a
smart phone device through Bluetooth communication. J2ME
developed software assures Bluetooth device detection and
identification, data reading, primary processing, data storage and
automatic alarm generation. Critical health status associated with
the assessed person leads to an automatic SMS generation.
Elements related to heart rate variability estimation are also