CCAM and 5G Networks: Powerful Allies in PPDR Scenarios with Dynamic Resource Allocation
Direito, R. D.
Rocha, D.
Almeida, J.
Perdigão, A.
Gomes, D.Gomes
Aguiar, R.
CCAM and 5G Networks: Powerful Allies in PPDR Scenarios with Dynamic Resource Allocation, Proc ieee Future Networks World Forum FNWF, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Vol. , pp. - , October, 2024.
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This work explores the integration of Cooperative, Con- nected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) applications with 5G networks to enhance automotive PPDR scenarios. We propose an architecture that enables PPDR-related applications to interact with CCAM ones in order to disseminate real-time CCAM emergency events to the relevant vehi- cles. Additionally, our system leverages the 5G Network Exposure Function (NEF) to dynamically allocate network resources, thereby improving the resources offered to PPDR agents during emergencies. Our results show that when a vehicle faces an emergency situation, our system takes ≈ 4 seconds to disseminate CCAM alerts to nearby vehicles. In the meantime, the system also changes network slices priorities and access to RAN resources of civilian and PPDR slices, to increase resources available to PPDR agents. The dynamic slicing process takes ≈6 seconds after the emergency is identified, resulting in a total value of ≈10 seconds since the emergency event takes places until the dynamic resource allocation comes into effect