Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Age of Information in a SWIPT and URLLC enabled Wireless Communications Systems

Silva, M.

Age of Information in a SWIPT and URLLC enabled Wireless Communications Systems, Proc IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems ANTS, Gandhinagar, India, Vol. , pp. - , December, 2022.

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This paper estimates the freshness of the information in a wireless relay communication system that employs simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) operating under ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) constraints. The Age of Information (AoI) metric, which calculates the time difference between the current time and the timestamp of the most recent update received by the receiver is used here to estimate the freshness of information. Additionally,
the short packet communication scheme is used to fulfil the reliability and latency requirements of the proposed wireless network and its performance is analysed using finite block length theory. In addition, by utilising novel approximation approaches, expressions for the average AoI (AAoI) of the proposed system
are derived. Finally, numerical analysis is used to evaluate and validate derived results.