Decentralized Workload Adaptive Control Plane for Edge Software-Defined Networked Systems
Moura, J.A.
Decentralized Workload Adaptive Control Plane for Edge Software-Defined Networked Systems, Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Guarda, Portugal, Vol. , pp. - , August, 2022.
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From the available literature, we have identified the lack of a simple, low system over-load, and distributed solution to manage a dynamic cluster of synchronized controllers, following the control workload trend. Thus, the current work investigates a solution that uses a multicast East/Westbound protocol for orchestrating any number of SDN controllers in a distributed way. Considering scenarios where suddenly the amount of new data flows changes, the number of active controllers is dynamically tunned to ef-ficiently process the varying workload associated to the controlled switching devices, which are in parallel continuously and correctly redistributed among all the active con-trollers.