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A Radiation-Hardened Frequency-Locked Loop On-Chip Oscillator with 33.6ppm/ºC Stability for Space Applications

Vieira, R. ; Passos, F. ; Canelas, A. ; Póvoa , R. P. ; Lourenço, N. ; Horta, N. ; Guilherme, J.G.

A Radiation-Hardened Frequency-Locked Loop On-Chip Oscillator with 33.6ppm/ºC Stability for Space Applications, Proc IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS, Austin Texas, United States, Vol. , pp. - , May, 2022.

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This work presents a 16MHz on-chip oscillator
based on a frequency-locked loop (FLL) which is radiation
hardened by design and intended for space applications. The
oscillator maintains a high temperature stability over a wide
range of temperatures, process and voltage variations. The FLL
presents a 7-stage current starved ring oscillator using output
signal combiners for lower radiation sensitivity. Furthermore,
the system presents high reconfigurability by using several
DACs to adjust the oscillator’s output frequency and the
temperature slope dependency. This reconfigurability is
especially useful to maintain all performances across PVT