Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

The MEKaP Project: Measuring Tropospheric Impairments at Ka Band with MEO Satellites

Luini, L. L ; Riva, C. R ; Panzeri, A. ; Rocha, A. ; Mota, S. ; Biscarini, M. ; Consalvi, F. ; Schena, V. ; Martelucci, A. M

The MEKaP Project: Measuring Tropospheric Impairments at Ka Band with MEO Satellites, Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP, Dusseldorf, Germany, Vol. , pp. - , March, 2021.

Digital Object Identifier: 10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135489


The design phase of an ESA project (MEKaP-MEO Ka-band Propagation) is described. The study, involving Politecnico di Milano, Sapienza Università di Roma, Instituto de Telecomunicações-Aveiro Pole and Thales Alenia SpaceItalia, aims at characterizing the main properties of the atmospheric radio channel of a MEO Ka-band SatCom system. The propagation campaign, lasting at least two years and including four ground receivers, will rely on the MEO O3b Ka-band satellite constellation, which has key characteristics for propagation measurements, such as continuous observation time (at least one satellite is always visible) and global coverage up to mid-latitudes. The experimental data collected during the campaign will be used to test and improve the available propagation models for non-geostationary systems and to extend the experimental database of radio regulatory bodies such as the ITU-R.