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Reference Scenarios and Key Performance Indicators for 5G Ultra-dense Networks

Campos, L. ; Ribeiro, L. ; Karydis, I. ; Karagiannis, S. ; Pedro, D. ; Armada, A. G. ; Leal, R. ; Lópes-Morales, M. ; Velez, F. J. ; Sebastião, P. ; Ramos, A.

Reference Scenarios and Key Performance Indicators for 5G Ultra-dense Networks, Proc IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing - CSNDSP, Porto, Portugal, Vol. , pp. - , July, 2020.

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The so-called 5G will revolutionize the way we
live, and work. In order to demonstrate the profound changes,
we can expect to experience within the next 5 to 10 years, we
present use cases for the planned research within the
TeamUp5G project. Some use cases are strongly linked to the
network layer and aim at developing solutions capable of
optimizing the main promising benefits of 5G: extremely low
latency and extremely high bandwidth (e.g., handle video
streams, traffic congestion, user profiles), in the most efficient
way possible. Other use cases focus on commercial applications
that make use of middleware applications to enhance their
performance. The latter fall into two main areas: real-time
virtual reality and live video streaming, which are extremely
demanding in terms of latency and bandwidth to provide an
acceptable QoE/QoS to multiple users. The use cases presented
are built assuming that 5G is essential for their support with
appropriate QoE/QoS. Key performance indicators and their
range of variation are also identified.