Tailored Virtual Reality for Smart Physiotherapy
Postolache, O.
; Teixeira, L.
Cordeiro, J.
Rodrigues, M
; Lima, L. L.
; Arriaga, P.A.
Girão, P.M.
; Postolache, G.
Tailored Virtual Reality for Smart Physiotherapy, Proc IEEE Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering - ATEE, Bucharest, Romania, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, March, 2019.
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Remote sensing and Virtual Reality (VR) are technologies that create new development opportunities in the field of serious games with application in physiotherapy. Thus, during a physiotherapy training session expressed by a game round the remote sensing of user body motion provides measurements that can be used for objective evaluation of physical therapy outcomes. In this work is presented a serious game for physiotherapy characterized by Kinect natural user interface and a set of VR games developed in the Unity3D. To provide patient electronic health record, game remote configuration as well as for data presentation for physiotherapist a mobile application was developed. Additional data analysis results associated with patient under physical training was also included in the paper.