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Development of an API for a Human-Eye Scan Ultrasound System

Pinto, C. ; Fernandes, P. ; Caixinha, M. C. ; Nunes, S. ; Morgado, A.M.L.S.M. ; Santos, M ; Santos, J ; Petrella, L. I. ; Gomes, M. ; Perdigão, F.

Development of an API for a Human-Eye Scan Ultrasound System, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. -, pp. - - -, June, 2019.

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Cataract is an ocular condition that affects more than 20 million people worldwide and is the leading cause of vision loss. Currently, the phacoemulsification is the most used procedure to extract cataract and recover visual acuity. For the surgery, the most important goal is the correct evaluation of cataract hardness. In the scope of the FCT project named CATARACTUS it is being developed a medical prototype to detect a cataract in human-eyes and classify its hardness. In this paper it is described the development of the API for the ultrasound signal acquisition system to be used in clinical environment. Finally, an overview of the tasks defined within the CATARACTUS project are presented that will follow the current stage of prototype development.