Comparison of two multi-frequency excitations for the detection of cracks in aluminium plates using ECT
Ribeiro, A. L.
Pasadas, D.
Ramos, H.
Comparison of two multi-frequency excitations for the detection of cracks in aluminium plates using ECT, Proc IEEE & FENDT IEEE Far East NonDestructive Testing FENDT, Xiamen, China, Vol. , pp. - , July, 2018.
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This paper reports an experimental comparison of two types of multi-frequency excitation for the detection of cracks in non-ferromagnetic conductive plates using eddy current testing. The first multifrequency excitation is based on a typical multi-frequency signal with a large bandwidth of frequencies using 64 tones, between 100Hz and 6.4 kHz. The second multi-frequency excitation is based on a multi-frequency signal that uses 16 sinusoidal tones, between 100 Hz and 1.6 kHz, combined with a sinusoidal signal at 6.4 kHz. Experimental tests were performed in a 4 mm thick aluminum plate containing 12 cracks with different depths and lengths. The 12 cracks were inspected in the surface and sub-surface locations. The advantage and disadvantage of the two types of multi-frequency excitations are discussed.