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Controlling transmissions to mitigate Wi-Fi overloads

Xia, H. Xia ; Reis, J. ; Oliveira, L. ; Santos, F. ; Almeida, L.

Controlling transmissions to mitigate Wi-Fi overloads, Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Porto, Portugal, Vol. , pp. - , September, 2014.

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Excess load on WiFi networks caused by multiple concurrent users leads to an increase of collisions and substantial degradation of network performance. In order to mitigate this phenomenon, there are multiple techniques, some of which are integrated into the IEEE 802.11 protocol, such as the Collision Avoidance mechanism of the base CSMA/CA access method, and others based on software that runs on the side of access stations. A solution of the latter type, specifically designed for teams of cooperating robots is the Reconfigurable and Adaptive TDMA protocol. This solution operates at the level of the data link layer and is based on a self- synchronization of the nodes involved to create a logical round in which the participating nodes transmit in disjoint windows (slots). In this work we address the problem of service degradation in WiFi networks under overload and we use the Reconfigurable and Adaptive TDMA (RA-TDMA) protocol to allow attenuating such problem.
In this long abstract we will briefly explain the experiments that were carried out and we present some preliminary experimental results that confirm the expected benefits.