Multi-User Detection and Intersymbol Interference Cancellation for WCDMA Satellite UMTS
Silva, M.
Correia, A.
Multi-User Detection and Intersymbol Interference Cancellation for WCDMA Satellite UMTS, Proc IEEE International Conference on Communications - ICC , Paris, France, Vol. , pp. - , June, 2004.
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In this paper we present an Intersymbol Interference (ISI) cancellation system – Commutation Signaling (CS) in combination with satellite path diversity, which leads to a high diversity order. The ISI is due to the use of satellite path diversity (in order to introduce multipath diversity artificially). This work combines the proposed ISI cancellation system with Subtractive Multi-User Detectors – a variation of the conventional Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) and Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) for the downlink channel of S-UMTS. It is also considered the blind detection without knowledge of spreading sequences or the channel state information (CSI) of the interfering users with a Noise Whitening Matched Filter (NWMF) that combats the MAI through the whitening of the interfering power spectrum, also without and with the CS. It is shown that the proposed PIC is a very promising detector to be used for the downlink of S-UMTS, especially when combined with CS, while the NWMF seems efficient only when we consider jointly with the proposed ISI cancellation system for low number of interfering users.