Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

All-digital transceivers — Recent advances and trends

Prata, A.P. ; Cordeiro, R. ; Dinis, DACD ; Oliveira, A. ; Vieira, J. ; Carvalho, N.B.C.

All-digital transceivers — Recent advances and trends, Proc IEEE International Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Integrated Systems - ICECS, Monte Carlo, Monaco, Vol. , pp. - , December, 2016.

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICECS.2016.7841175


This paper provides an overview on recent advances on all-digital transceivers, as a promising approach to the ideal Software-Defined Radio concept. Several techniques and architectural optimizations are discussed to improve the coding efficiency, spectral purity, signal to noise ratio, bandwidth and flexibility.