Electrochemically Gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for Extracellular Cell Signal Recording
Gomes, H.L.
Asgarifar, S.
Electrochemically Gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for Extracellular Cell Signal Recording, Proc Doctoral Conf. on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems - DOCEIS, Lisbon, Portugal, Vol. 470 , pp. 558 - 564, April, 2016.
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This work presents an experimental characterization of electrochemically gated graphene field-effect transistors (EGFETs) to measure extracellular cell signals. The performance of the EGFETs was evaluated using cardiomyocytes cells. Extracellular signals with a peak value of 0.4 pico-amperes (pA) embedded in a noise level of 0.1 pA were recorded. Signals in current mode were compared with signals recorded as a voltage. Signals below 28 µV of magnitude can be detected in a noise floor of 7 µV with a signal-to-noise ratio of 4.