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Real-Time Multiple IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters with no Additional Sensors

Caseiro, L. ; Mendes, A. M. S.

Real-Time Multiple IGBT Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis in Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters with no Additional Sensors, Proc IEEE Industrial Electronics Conf. - IECON, Yokohama, Japan, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 6, November, 2015.

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Most diagnostic techniques in the literature focus on
the occurrence of a single fault, which limits their functionality.
This paper presents a real-time diagnostic algorithm for multiple
IGBT open-circuit faults in three-level Neutral-Point-Clamped
converters. The proposed algorithm is based on an indirect
analysis of the converter pole voltage errors and requires no
additional sensors, relying only on signals already available to the
controller. The algorithm is independent from the load and control
strategy and can detect any number of faults. It provides very fast
diagnostics, with each fault being diagnosed in as little as 2 sample
periods after its first impact in the converter (in favorable
conditions). Simulation results are presented for the rectifier case,
demonstrating the algorithm’s speed and robustness.