Creating and sharing knowledge for telecommunications

Development of a new system to control and monitor ground vehicles using heterogeneous wireless networks

Sebastião, P. ; Souto, N.S. ; Cercas, Cercas, F. ; Correia, A.

Development of a new system to control and monitor ground vehicles using heterogeneous wireless networks, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. --, pp. -- - --, September, 2015.

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This paper purpose a new way to control and monitor
traditional Unmanned Ground Vehicles, that use Radio
Frequency or satellite communication. The presented solution
uses the heterogeneous mobile networks – Wi-Fi, 3rd and 4th
generation of mobile networks. With this goal a UGV was
dimensioned, a mobile application was developed for monitor
and control and at last both control and communication systems
were developed and implemented. These modules working
together allow to control and monitoring the vehicle in real-time.