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Microwave Imaging for Target Detection in Body Phantom Using the Kirchoff Migration Algorithm

Felício, J. M. ; Fernandes, C. A. ; Costa, J.R.

Microwave Imaging for Target Detection in Body Phantom Using the Kirchoff Migration Algorithm, Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol. -, pp. - - -, September, 2015.

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This paper presents the initial tests performed at Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisbon, which goal was to allow us testing the feasibility of an inexpensive Microwave Imaging system for breast cancer detection using the equipment available at our lab. Such systems are receiving great interest all over the world, since they can be a reliable and safe alternative to current
X-ray imaging technique. A simple phantom representing fatty breast tissues was developed and a metallic sphere was used as a test target. Furthermore, a new conformal ultrawideband antenna was also developed to operate in the 2-5 GHz frequency
spectrum. Radar-equivalent frequency response measurements were performed at 32 different positions of the antenna, to which the Kirchoff Migration algorithm was applied in order to detect
the target. The results exhibit very good identification of the sphere, although some unwanted artifacts can be observed.